11-29-2007, 11:33 AM
Skins 35
Bills 10
An emotional win to say the least. Sad that it comes this way, but this tragedy takes the heat off of JC. He's been dealing w/growing pains the last 2 weeks. This game gives him the chance to rebound w/out too much attention on him. He will come up big & we'll get some scores on the grnd. & air.
Has anyone noticed just how much this O is clicking outside the red zone?
11-29-2007, 11:34 AM
Thomas participated in a full practice for the first time since being injured. it wouldn't surprise me if he played
redskins 24
bills 7
11-29-2007, 11:39 AM
I think this game is very easy to predict. The Skins will be fired up and playing for ST. It will be their best game of the year.
Skins 27
Bills 17
I don't doubt that the team will be fired up, my only concern is how long they can ride that emotion. They could easily burn out quickly and who could blame them. This week has been incredibly draining.
11-29-2007, 11:47 AM
I don't doubt that the team will be fired up, my only concern is how long they can ride that emotion. They could easily burn out quickly and who could blame them. This week has been incredibly draining.
I think they will ride it through next Thurs game vs Chi because they wont have a moment to think about being burned out. After that they could crash but IMO everything now will be like a wirlwind and that wind will stop blowing next Fri morning.
11-29-2007, 12:13 PM
The Bills cant throw the football. We can.
Redskins 28, Bills 21
11-29-2007, 12:19 PM
I honestly think the team could come out flat. I think it we get a quick pop or a touchdown from the jump that will give us a boost, but the moment they have to fight up hill, we could be in trouble.
That being said, the defense hits like Taylor on Sunday. And the offense rides the legs of CP.
Skins 28
Bills 14
As an aside, did it occur to anyone that Taylor's jersey number reversed is 12? He'll be the 12th Man this Sunday.
11-29-2007, 12:19 PM
I agree that its impossible to predict. But, these guys are professional beasts who want to take their grief out on someone. They don't know who to blame, so this weekend they will blame the Bills for the murder of their friend, that doesn't bode well for the Bills.
CP- 225 yards rushing, 75 yards receiving, 4 TD's
11-29-2007, 12:20 PM
i think we will roll over them...the whole team will play possessed...we may give up some points on some over aggressive pursuit, but we'll make up for it in turnovers forced and a dominating offensive line. These guys are going to take out their frustrations and anger on whatever poor unlucky bill that is in front of them...
SC Skins Fan
11-29-2007, 12:22 PM
It can go either way. I suspect they will either come out pretty strong and start taking it to a pretty beat-up and generally less talented Buffalo team, or they will come out fired up but make a bunch of mental mistakes and turnovers and the thing will turn the other way. I'd personally be very impressed if they can ride the emotions much beyond this week regardless. Probably the worst thing that could happen would be another close loss such as they went through last week in Tampa. That might really break them. The more I think about it the more I worry about their physical strength and stamina and wonder how much they've been sleeping. Really an unprecedented situation. My brother was killed four years ago, so that is really what I think about, and I didn't sleep much at all in the first days after that, but on the other side it was a lot easier when everyone was around the house and so much stuff was going on, it was only in the time after that when you get hit with some of the enormity of the situation beyond the initial shock. Who knows, everyone is different, going to be really tough in my opinion.
I've also been thinking about a question someone posed in a thread a little while ago regarding why the death of Sean Taylor in particular seems to have effected people so profoundly. While I agree with those who responded and said that there would be grief if anyone on the Redskins died, I do think it is something specific to Sean Taylor. Certainly there are many factors, including the violent nature of the crime, but I also think that it has much to do with the role that Taylor played on the team. Most, if not all, of the people who showed up for the vigil in Ashburn did not really know Sean Taylor. They knew of him, they knew what he was a great player, and they are learning more now about the importance of his daughter and family. But more than that, what I think he represented in some abstract sense was the future. He was the one player on defense, more than anyone else, who represented a real hope for change, for greatness, for unlimited possibilites, for many great things to come. That is not to say that his death is just about football, certainly not, but to us as fans of a team that is what we lost. In some ways it is similar to what the players lost too, though the future they lost is more personal in that they lost a friend, someone they saw every day, someone they expected to see in the locker room and expected to talk to when they came back from Tampa. That is the future they lost. For his family, of course, it is more personal still and they lost a future that included the holidays, graduations, triumphs, hardships, and all those intimate experiences that families go through. They are all very different experiences in many ways, but what I think links them all is that sense that part of our future, something that we expected to happen and really took for granted, has been taken from us. That, to me, is what is so raw and emotional about the death of a young person especially. It is the future that you expected, of all the things that would have been but now won't be, that you have lost. Just something I've been thinking about and probably has a place other than the prediction thread...
After all that...
Skins 21
Bills 13