ST Murder Investigation Thread

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11-29-2007, 10:57 AM
I think it will play out that this was not a random act and those that shot ST had some kind of history with him. 15 bullets in an SUV is a definite message. I'm not sure they really wanted to kill St but they did want to send a message and hurt him bad so I'm not surprised that when they saw ST had been shot (and the gushing blood likely told them he was hurt really bad) they left. As for his GF being a witness if the shooters were in the hall outside the bedroom then I suspect she didnt see much as she was likely covering the little girl.

11-29-2007, 11:14 AM
This is a post on extreme skins (not my own). The only thing that doenst make sense to me, is that the bedroom door was supposedly kicked down. Midnight robbers dont kick down doors, they tiptoe around a house and make as little noise as possible. However, I read somewhere else that the actual shooting took place in the hallway outside the bedroom. If this is true then maybe it was just somebody trying to get into his safe. Perhaps, they tried to use a kitchen knife on the safe the first time round and accidentally forgot it on the bed?

"I dont think this was a hit anymore. Think about it.
1. If it was a hit, dont you think that the shots would have been to his body or head?
2. If this was purposeful, why would the assilant leave a witness to the shooting. he has alreay proven he has no repect for life, so why not kill the rest of the family?
3. If this was a hit, why did they not stick around to make sure the victim was finished?

Here is what I think went down...

The week prior, these same theives broke into Seans home looking for loot. Seeing there was nothing of value out in the open, they naturally went for the safe. Safe was locked and they could not get inot it. They leave the premesis.
One week later, they come back with the correct tools to finishe the job. Assuming noone is home again (remember... Sean was not supposed to be there. He decided last minute to get a second opinion on his knee from his personal doctor the same day) they broke into the home again. This time, they knew where the safe was and headed straight for it. But instead of finding an empty bedroom, they ran into a crazed man with a machete, trying to defend his family. They shoot blindly (due to the shock) and get one in his leg/groin and flee the scene.

A true unfortunate set of events. I feel sorry the family, but I dont htink Sean had many enemies that were out to kill him.

Thats my take anyway. I could be wrong. Either way, Sean will me missed."

I could buy this theory but what about the knife left on the pillow the first go round? are they really that sloppy? Seems like a message...but at the same point, it also appears too unprofessional to a hit (based upon what i've read). The leg wound is odd, could it have been a reaction to seeing a man with a machete as you surmise? Could it have been a deliberate shot to end the career, and not necessarily the life of a football player? I'm not sure...

11-29-2007, 11:22 AM
I could buy this theory but what about the knife left on the pillow the first go round? are they really that sloppy? Seems like a message...but at the same point, it also appears too unprofessional to a hit (based upon what i've read). The leg wound is odd, could it have been a reaction to seeing a man with a machete as you surmise? Could it have been a deliberate shot to end the career, and not necessarily the life of a football player? I'm not sure...

I want to make a statement here. Unlike the movies, no one shoots anyone to wound. Especially when that someone is a two hundred plus pound, 6'2" world class athlete with a machete. If someone had the accuracy to hit his groin while he was coming at them, they wouldn't of missed with the second shot. It's just not plausible. IF they were going to shoot to wound and leave a message, there would have been the requisite amount of guys to subdue him after which he would have been secured, then shot wherever they wanted at point blank range.

11-29-2007, 12:18 PM
I have a sick feeling that they'll never find who did it :(

I hate how they're calling it a burglary.. when you take into account the sole fact that a week before someone broke in and left a knife on the bed, it was NOT a darn burglary.. no way.. that was a threat... and if it was a burglary, they would have:

A. taken what they wanted the first time around or
B. would have shot more than just Sean; since no one else was harmed in the slightest bit, that makes it very fishy..

Sean was targeted; I believe that whole heartedly.

11-29-2007, 12:23 PM
You can't tell me that house wasn't chock full of Flat Panel TV's and other expensive items. If this was a robbery, I guarantee they could have found SOMETHING to take the first time around.

11-29-2007, 12:25 PM
You can't tell me that house wasn't chock full of Flat Panel TV's and other expensive items. If this was a robbery, I guarantee they could have found SOMETHING to take the first time around.


I just don't see why Sean wouldn't have had a very* good security system.. especially if Rolle said he was always afraid when he was in Miami. And you know, if someone leaves a knife on your pillow, that should warn you and make you get a security system if you don't have one already. :( This whole thing just plain SUCKS.

I really pray they catch who did it, but I really don't think they will :(

11-29-2007, 12:28 PM

I just don't see why Sean wouldn't have had a very* good security system.. especially if Rolle said he was always afraid when he was in Miami. And you know, if someone leaves a knife on your pillow, that should warn you and make you get a security system if you don't have one already. :( This whole thing just plain SUCKS.

I really pray they catch who did it, but I really don't think they will :(

Today's Wash Post says his house did have a security system but he did not activate it before he went to bed.

11-29-2007, 12:31 PM
Today's Wash Post says his house did have a security system but he did not activate it before he went to bed.

I hadn't seen that news report yet. Thanks for the update.

Unbelievable.. just one night that he doesn't activate it, and that's all it took :(

11-29-2007, 12:39 PM
I want to make a statement here. Unlike the movies, no one shoots anyone to wound. Especially when that someone is a two hundred plus pound, 6'2" world class athlete with a machete. If someone had the accuracy to hit his groin while he was coming at them, they wouldn't of missed with the second shot. It's just not plausible. IF they were going to shoot to wound and leave a message, there would have been the requisite amount of guys to subdue him after which he would have been secured, then shot wherever they wanted at point blank range.

Fair if they aren't trying to wound him, you must believe it was an accident right? i guess i can buy that as well, but i still find the knife left on the bed curious...perhaps they are just that lazy/sloppy.

11-29-2007, 12:49 PM
Fair if they aren't trying to wound him, you must believe it was an accident right? i guess i can buy that as well, but i still find the knife left on the bed curious...perhaps they are just that lazy/sloppy.

No, I don't believe it was an accident. I believe it was a hit intended to kill. My arguement is just because he got shot in the leg/groin, it doesn't mean that he wasn't meant to die. I think the person who did this probably wasn't exactly a trained marksman. I think they didn't expect a big ass man with a machete and they shot twice and got the F out of there. They probably thought they'd break through the door and catch him in bed.

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