ST Murder Investigation Thread

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11-30-2007, 03:49 PM
Here's an email I just sent to Wilbon that I'm sure he'll never read. But hey, JLC read my email yesterday and put it up on his blog so maybe there's a chance.

Mr. Wilbon,
I'm sure you have gotten a tremendous amount of email and I suspect you'll never read mine. I actually thought that your column made some good points, and was probably less offended by it than many Redskins fans were. What was offensive, however, was how you said you were not surprised at all when you heard of Sean Taylor's death. I follow the Redskins as closely as anyone I know and I was shocked. I can see how you could say that if you heard someone on the Redskins was shot you might think immediately of Sean Taylor, but to say you were not at all surprised? Come on. Also, as the story is currently playing out (and maybe I'm rushing to judgement as quickly as you did) it seems that the stock narrative that you and other writers overlaid on this story does not fit. If this just was a case where some guys thought they could get some money or valuables, did not think anyone was at the house, were surprised when they found Taylor there, got scared and fired two fatal shots into the night before running away, then how do you explain that?

I can understand, somewhat, your initial reaction, but do you think that you too quickly imposed your own narrative on these events? So Sean Taylor made some bad choices (and really one bad choice that involved anything other than immaturity that we know of, and you have not offered any others that I have heard), but he moved away from his old neighborhood, he did not go out, he devoted himself to the game of football, he did all the right things. He did all the things that you say athletes should do AFTER Sean Taylor's murder. He was doing all that, he was living life the right way. So you're telling me his mistake was buying a house in a wealthy suburb of Miami rather than a wealthy suburb of Washington, D.C.? What is it that you wanted from him? What could he have done to ensure that writers like you would not write that you 'weren't surprised' when he was murdered? What will it take for you to replace your stock narrative of 'a young black man killed and I'm not surprised' to a 'a young black man who was doing everything right was killed protecting his family'? When can we expect a public apology from you if events continue to play out as they currently are?

Thanks for taking the time to write that. I really hope he reads it. But I'm not going to hold my breath. Wilbon is a fat tube that thinks he always knows everything but rarely does. I wish he would go bask the Chi town and leave us alone.

11-30-2007, 04:08 PM
According to the Miami Hearld it appears that he was targeted but not because of the reasons that Cowtud and Wilbonehead seem to think. He was targeted because he had money and nobody expected him to be home seven hours after a game. Maybe the headlines will stop refering to his race (as if that ever made a difference) and focused on his age and who he was. Call me an ignorant white guy, but why is black on black crime worse than any other murder?

11-30-2007, 04:18 PM
I have always liked Wilbon. I didn't really agree too much w/ his article. On the surface though it would seem reasonable to suspect that it was not random, and was premeditated. Unfortunately, some facts got twisted around to make it seem like he was a target or some sort of payback.

I listed to everyones opinion and although most were cordial they rang w/ an underlying tone of his past catching up w/ him. Everyone jumped to this conclusion. If the most recent news is correct, I just hope everyone who jumped to this conclusion is aware of their error.

Sheriff Gonna Getcha
11-30-2007, 04:26 PM
According to the Miami Hearld it appears that he was targeted but not because of the reasons that Cowtud and Wilbonehead seem to think. He was targeted because he had money and nobody expected him to be home seven hours after a game. Maybe the headlines will stop refering to his race (as if that ever made a difference) and focused on his age and who he was. Call me an ignorant white guy, but why is black on black crime worse than any other murder?

Cowturd offered a reasonable account for his speculation the other day. He basically said that people can reasonably speculate as to why Sean was murdered and that it was reasonable to theorize that Sean was murdered by someone he knew from his past. He admitted that he could be wrong, but bragged about his track record of being right. Hopefully these three detainees are the killers, the detainees do not know Sean, and Cowturd will eat crow.

I can't wait for members of the media who were so convinced Sean's past killed him to eat crow. You'd think that prominent members of the press would not rush to judgment. Speculation is fine provided it is reasonable and is labeled's another matter when the speculation is unreasonable and/or presented as virtual fact.

11-30-2007, 04:34 PM
Cowturd offered a reasonable account for his speculation the other day. He basically said that people can reasonably speculate as to why Sean was murdered and that it was reasonable to theorize that Sean was murdered by someone he knew from his past. He admitted that he could be wrong, but bragged about his track record of being right. Hopefully these three detainees are the killers, the detainees do not know Sean, and Cowturd will eat crow.

I can't wait for members of the media who were so convinced Sean's past killed him to eat crow. You'd think that prominent members of the press would not rush to judgment. Speculation is fine provided it is reasonable and is labeled's another matter when the speculation is unreasonable and/or presented as virtual fact.

Agreed, i was trying to find the words to say what you just did.

11-30-2007, 04:50 PM
thats all fine and good, but his close friends and certainly his family have already been unjustly subjected to that bs at a devastating time. Can you imagine listening to the news of your son's death and hearing so many people in the media passing judgement on him based on pure speculation? Especially if he died defending his goddamn family...


11-30-2007, 04:51 PM
You guys are better people than I am. I mean that. I'm a firm believer in eye for an eye.

My thoughts exactly

11-30-2007, 05:21 PM
Good...I hope they got the bastards.

If these are the guys, then they can ALL be charged with first-degree murder, even if only one of them actually pulled the trigger. They will all get life w/o parole, and the shooter is gonna get the needle. Book it.

11-30-2007, 05:28 PM
Send them to the Prison in Starke!

Ted Bundy went there and never left.


11-30-2007, 05:31 PM
I think the mother f ' er should get the death penaty. It should be done on the fifty yard line at either Fed Ex or the Orange Bowl In front of a sold out crowd. Then bury the bastard face down so he can see were he is going---straight to hell.

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