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BleedBurgundy 11-29-2007, 08:40 PM You are rude, however, and a shallow reading such as yours is not appreciated. You see the name of a political figure in a post and knee jerk your way into a foolish hypothesis that a thoughtful post is about politics. The topic is not just Sean Taylor here, but the cultural conditions that make such a hideous crime likely. I cited many aspects of the failures of our society, corrupt politicians being one.
What do you think Whitlock is doing in his column? My post is my take on the subject he introduces. It's your post that is way off topic.
Let me put it this way. Every time Bush or Clinton is brought up on this site, it seems like right away a Right vs. Left arguement breaks out. That was my point, that there's a lot of touchy subjects being discussed and we all have to be careful. If that's rude, that's rude.
BleedBurgundy 11-29-2007, 08:44 PM a moron has lead us into a murderous and elective war complete with cluster bombs and torture, previously thought unthinkable
I was just saying that I thought every Republican member of the board was going to be all over this. Obviously since I was the only one to comment on it, I was wrong. Everything else in your post, I agreed with. I think if you read through this whole thread you'll see that.
SmootSmack 11-29-2007, 08:53 PM I was just saying that I thought every Republican member of the board was going to be all over this. Obviously since I was the only one to comment on it, I was wrong. Everything else in your post, I agreed with. I think if you read through this whole thread you'll see that.
Sometimes some things aren't worth responding to though
warriorzpath 11-29-2007, 09:00 PM Everyone should just be held accountable for their own actions as individuals. And like someone has already posted - just lead by example. If you see a problem, take a proactive approach and do something, something little, anything - just as long as you are doing something.
About whitlock - he is being praised for sparking this discussion and I think Riggins even called him an activist (I am a fan of Riggins, by the way). No way is this guy an activist. Activists do spark discussions - I do not disagree with that - but I perceive activists sparking a cause in a positive direction not in complaints and negativity. Also, activists take a stand on an issue and help guide everyone in the right direction (especially by leading by example in his own actions).
Nothing about his article is inspiring. I think I heard a caller on the riggins show say that whitlock just causes more contention and conflict- I have to agree.
Crazyhorse1 11-29-2007, 11:49 PM Let me put it this way. Every time Bush or Clinton is brought up on this site, it seems like right away a Right vs. Left arguement breaks out. That was my point, that there's a lot of touchy subjects being discussed and we all have to be careful. If that's rude, that's rude.
You make an excellent point. I should have included Clinton as a President who has damaged the moral stature of the government, as has the current Congress on both sides of the aisle.
I believe in the trickle-down theory of corruption and meanness. Not showing respect for others or morality or law starts at the top and trickles on down to where the real dying is done.
Do I believe that characters like Nixon and Johnson and Kennedy and Reagan contribute to negative cultural dynamics that cause gang bangers and bad-boy rappers who want to kill cops and each other.
Yes, I do.
SmootSmack 11-30-2007, 12:23 AM SLAM! has some thoughts on this as well.
SLAM ONLINE | » Why the Sean Taylor issue is important to SLAM (http://slamonline.com/online/2007/11/why-the-sean-taylor-issue-is-important-to-slam/)
So much wasted potential. So much, an that is the point. Each person will have their own opinion about what is moral and what is not. If you get rich making records and you improve your family's condition. In my opinion you don't have to apologize to anyone. If Hip Hop is glorifying violence you could say MTV is glorifying homosexuality. You may not think homosexuality is wrong but some people do. You can nit pick anything. Making gangster rap records is not a crime.
Amen and it should not be a crime.
If we got rid of Hip hop and gangster rap...Nothing would change.
Crazyhorse1 11-30-2007, 03:09 AM Sometimes some things aren't worth responding to though
Cheap comment, based on nothing, offering nothing, dissing an honest and valid insight of a fellow Redskin fan and a much older and more experienced man in a serious discussion after an unbearable tragedy. Nice work. I have a fifteen year old who would love to talk to you. How many friends did you have killed in Nam? or raped children have you had who failed to find justice in court?
How many kids do you have in Iraq? I tell you what. If you don't think my posts are worth responding to, try not responding when I post.
GTripp0012 11-30-2007, 03:20 AM Cheap comment, based on nothing, offering nothing, dissing an honest and valid insight of a fellow Redskin fan and a much older and more experienced man in a serious discussion after an unbearable tragedy. Nice work. I have a fifteen year old who would love to talk to you. How many friends did you have killed in Nam? or raped children have you had who failed to find justice in court?
How many kids do you have in Iraq? I tell you what. If you don't think my posts are worth responding to, try not responding when I post.Dear god. Why do all your arguments seem to boil down to being older and wiser than everyone else here? Is that either necessary or relevant?
SmootSmack 11-30-2007, 08:10 AM Cheap comment, based on nothing, offering nothing, dissing an honest and valid insight of a fellow Redskin fan and a much older and more experienced man in a serious discussion after an unbearable tragedy. Nice work. I have a fifteen year old who would love to talk to you. How many friends did you have killed in Nam? or raped children have you had who failed to find justice in court?
How many kids do you have in Iraq? I tell you what. If you don't think my posts are worth responding to, try not responding when I post.
Well I just had one of my best friends killed in Afghanistan if that counts for anything. But, I think you missed the point of my post entirely. I'd explain but I figured someone older and more experienced wouldn't need any sort of explanation.