11-27-2007, 07:00 PM
Yeah todays been extremely tough today for all of us. I had to use a sick day because I really couldn't motivate myself to go to work. I've cried my eyes out and cant bear to read another ST bashing article. He'll be missed.
11-27-2007, 07:24 PM
I got very ill last night in the middle of the night. It was around 3:30-4:00 AM. While I was up I checked ESPN News and there was no word. Other than the earlier report that he had some movement. So I went back to sleep feeling very sick. I left the TV on. I awoke this morning at aournd 9 am and the first thing i remember thinking was I hope sean is ok. The next word that I heard echo down the hall way from the tv were " SEAN TAYLOR WAS DEAD"..... I was crushed. I cried. I got myself ready for work. I have the ability to wear what ever I like to work so I dawned my ST # 21 home maroon jersey and went to work. I was so very distraught and truly got nothing done. MY boss is a SKins fan and we cried together when I told him. I will never forget this day. It had a 911 tone to the beggining of the day. SAD extremely distraught news on the television echoing down the hall way. Yes I will always remember today.
I feel your pain Sammy Baugh Fan.
11-27-2007, 07:52 PM
I went to bed feeling better about the whole situation last night. But when I got out of the shower this morning I turned on ESPN at it hit me like a ton of bricks. In the corner of the screen it said Sean Taylor died. I am still in shock right now and deeply saddened by the loss of a truly great Father, Son and Redskin. I haven’t been able to do any work all day. I feel like I'm just going to wake up from a really bad dream. On my lunch break I watched Comcast sports trying to make some sense out if this whole situation but as the hour went by I just started to feel worse and worse. My prayers go out to Sean and his Family. I hope the Skins retire #21 I really don't want to see anyone else ever wear it again. I've been choking back tears all day while wearing my Taylor jersey at work. I just can’t believe he’s gone! R.I.P Sean, like Gibbs said you’re in a better place now. I will always love you for the joy that you gave me and all the other Redskins fans out there.
Sammy Baugh Fan
11-27-2007, 08:18 PM
Thanks for your moments folks.
This is still such an open wound with me.
God bless yall and ST's family and fans
11-27-2007, 08:26 PM
I arrived to work at 5:00 AM and turned on the radio to ESPN. I sat down, read my e-mail and Gordon Damer just stopped talking and said, " I hate to bring bad news, but Redskins Pro Bowl Safety Sean Taylor has died due to a gunshot wound he sustained on Monday." I just sat there and wanted to scream because its so unfair to his daughter, fiance' and family to die like this. Thy, will be done. RIP ST #21 BURGUNDY AND GOLD LOVE FOREVER.
Sammy Baugh Fan
11-27-2007, 11:27 PM
And so a the end of my day I have read so much. So much pain, so much thankfulness and so many prayers I hope when I wake this will all be just a bad dream.
Rest in Peace Sean and let's go smack somebody in the mouth!
Hail Skins
...Over here in Cali...I awoke to my father saying " Hey Sean mom just texted me you know Sean Taylor died this morning right?" I couldn't even cry I was so hurt. I just said Oh no! Then my sister texted me and told me OMG Sean Taylor got Shot and died
Then my friends at school (all fans of the eagles and cowboys) Were all dude that fucking sucks I hope they catch the guys that did that.
11-28-2007, 07:38 AM
I work late and had posted on the earlier warpath thread that ST was responsive.
I checked the boards right before I went to bed at 6:19 am and saw "ST dead". Still can't believe it's true. RIP #21! I loved #21 and think he was among the best players EVER to play for the Redskins. EVER. Watch the tape. I can't even begin to imagine what the experience Sunday at Fed Ex will be like... Please tell me all you that can make it will make it to the game. How can SUPERMAN be dead?!?!? Thoughts are with #21 and his family. God Bless the Redskins!