11-27-2007, 09:24 AM
I'll remember everything. The good, the bad but most of all I'll remember forever what he meant to us. In a time of medocrity and struggle he signified hope. He was our bastion of light at the end of the tunnel. When he played poorly no one was mad because we were afraid he wasn't as good as we had thought. We were mad because we knew he was EVERYTHING we thought. When he played well we won. When he played well it gave us pride. We had the MEAST and no matter what the rest of our team looked like we could count on that man to lay a beat down. His ability to show up is what I'll remember. When so many couldn't he always did. RIP Sean.
11-27-2007, 09:37 AM
For me, the Green Bay game epitomizes Sean the football player. Two picks and nobody wanted to catch the ball on his side of the field.
11-27-2007, 09:38 AM
My favorite player for the Skins ever. Nobody else out there would lay the wood like he used to.
11-27-2007, 09:38 AM
I'm litterally sobbing as I try to write this out.... I was one of the few lucky ones that got a chance to meet Sean...the absolute pleasure of meeting, I remember being in the tunnel at Raymond James in 2005 (Sean was out with an ankle injury) and a buddy of mine had on Seans jersey and I remember him looking over and I was just like "holy shit, that's Sean Taylor"....than in a story I must have told a thousand times by now....he just started walking over to us and introduced himself too us and I was just like "holy shit, who the fuck am I?" and he's like "What's up, I'm Sean"...and I swear to god, I'll never foget when he said that..I just remember thinking (still crying btw lol), "No shit you're Sean"...we talked for like 5 mintues, watched some of the Vikings/Giants game, and that was it...something I know he probaboly never thought twice about....but man that was one of the coolest moments of my life.....There were so many else he was behind.....
The Hit on Crayton down in Big D, the fumble return vs Tampa, the blocked feild goal return against Dallas, his hit this year during that first Eagles game on Reggie Brown nearly killed me because I went so favorite it still is the fumble return against the Eagles to send us to the playoffs....I remember as he dove across the goal line like super man I was diving across my basement mimicking him and all my friends dog piled me...It was moments like that which make this worth it to me....
I hate the fact that I'll never be able to scream at my T.V. "Why is Sean Taylor the only guy who gives a damn on defense"
I hate the fact that I'll never be able to go nuts when he gets an interception...only to scream "SEAN WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU DOING" When he tries to latteral it like he always does....
I hate the fact that a daughter is now without her Dad, Parents without their son, and a fiance without her husband...
and I hate the fact that I'm without my hero.
Thanks Sean......It was truly a pleasure.
great post,cant add much to that
Sean,thanks for the memories
11-27-2007, 09:43 AM
Unbelievable talent. It was just fun watching him play. He was like a human missle.
One of my favorite plays was the play that never happened. I believe it was Pinkston who alligator armed a throw down the middle that Mr. ST was closing in on like a train.
Just fun to watch him play. I hate to have conceded thoughts like that. Most importantly the young man lost his life and his daughter has to grow up w/ out a father. Very sad.
11-27-2007, 09:43 AM
I have been hit with so much emotion over Sean's passing, as we all have been. Sean was becoming a man, and a great father and a future husband. This above all is more important than anything he could do on a football field. I feel sad thinking of a little girl that will never get to see her father. It is unbelievable how petty some of us are when it comes to our team, and puts things in perspective when things like this happen. I pray for Seans family. Football is a game Sean loved to play every week, but fatherhood is something Sean loved every second of every day. It is a sad day for us Redskin fans knowing we will not see that famed #21 smash someone coming across the middle. I can not imagine how our boys will react to this loss, I could care less about our season right now.
#21 will always be a "true Redskin" and will always be remembered.
RIP Sean... we will miss you.
11-27-2007, 09:47 AM
Thanks for all the memories, were taken from us far too soon...RIP,'ll be missed...
11-27-2007, 09:55 AM
Last night on the news they showed the gathering at Redskin Park and a fan talked about what we could do as fans.
I'm going to go donate blood. It seems silly on some level. I know the doctors did everything they could. But maybe someone else will survive.
11-27-2007, 09:57 AM
My Mom wanted to chime in with...
Hail to a Redskin
Sean Taylor
We love you
Hail to a Redskin
Our Prayers
go forth with you
Hail to a Redskin
A football player
But to oh so many people
he was so much more than that
A son, a friend
A fiance
A Brother. a Daddy too.
Dear God we pray for Sean
and his family too.
Hail to you Sean Taylor
A Redskin
Through and Through
Hail to a Redskin
Sean Taylor
We'll miss you
R.I.P. Sean #21
11-27-2007, 10:06 AM
Sad Day. My great memory about Taylor is his mystery. He came to work, and did his job and didn't let anyone know about it. Humble guy, who was too good for this league, THER WILL NEVER BE ANOTHER FOOTBALL PLAYER LIKE SEAN. We were privliged to have him on our team for the time we had him. I live way outin Idaho and envy you guys who have gotten a chance to see and meet him. Hail to the Redskins, Hail to Sean Taylor. Let the games continue. Thanks