11-27-2007, 12:26 PM
I signed up on this board to send my condolences from the Denver Broncos community. I am a NOVA local and have always secretly pulled for the skins to do well, plus all my friends are redskins fans. I know how difficult this loss must be for all of you. When Darrent Williams passed last January it was very hard for all of the Broncos Nation. I am sure that all of you personally feel as if you lost a close friend. These are very tough times for every football fan. I hope that you guys will be able to bounce back from such a horrible incident and that his killer/killers will be brought to justice. My prayers and condolences will be with Sean's family and all of you.
RIP #21
11-27-2007, 12:30 PM
This hurts. RIP ST. May you find peace.
11-27-2007, 12:33 PM
Just woke up on the West Coast about a half hour ago with a phone call from a friend in DC. I can't tell you how I dreaded picking up the phone.
Rest in peace. #21
11-27-2007, 12:34 PM
Im simply still in absolute shock. RIP Sean Taylor. You were my favorite the day you became a Redskin.
11-27-2007, 12:49 PM
How unfortunate that in the end Sean would not outrun the demons that terrorized his youth.
I hear everyone talking about the boy becoming a man & I can't say I disagree. Sean' play spoke for itself & his passion for the game never waivered, even in his darkest moments.
I'm sure the emotions will be running there highest each time this seaon the skins take to the field with the chants of "Sean" roaring out of the tunnel. All heads hanging low for that one moment right before kickoff & the electricity that the fans will bring each home game to get the Redskins Family charged up about who #21 was...
I know we have to move on. but I will never forget who Sean Taylor was, a boy, a football player, a father & a man.
RIP Mr Taylor
I think it has all been said by now regarding the tragedy that is, the murder of ST.
I said it out loud a moment ago, "Sean Taylor is dead". it sounds like another language, or a lie, or anything but the truth. STILL.........just impossible to believe
11-27-2007, 12:50 PM
The first thing I said when I went to the washington post page was "What!?" This is fucking awful and it hurts something bad, all football aside. What a way to waste a human life that was going so well.
I am wearing my ST Jersey today in his memory.
11-27-2007, 12:53 PM
I signed up on this board to send my condolences from the Denver Broncos community. I am a NOVA local and have always secretly pulled for the skins to do well, plus all my friends are redskins fans. I know how difficult this loss must be for all of you. When Darrent Williams passed last January it was very hard for all of the Broncos Nation. I am sure that all of you personally feel as if you lost a close friend. These are very tough times for every football fan. I hope that you guys will be able to bounce back from such a horrible incident and that his killer/killers will be brought to justice. My prayers and condolences will be with Sean's family and all of you.
RIP #21
Thank you from everyone here at the
11-27-2007, 12:53 PM
my roommate and best friend who happens to be a diehard eagles fan wants me to extend great condolences and sorrow to the redskins family.
11-27-2007, 01:02 PM
Well....I'm heading out for the day, guys.
Just wanted to stop in one more time, to this thread, and extend our deepest condolences from all of us at
I was really hoping to meet you all under very different circumstances in a couple of weeks, when Chicago comes to D.C. (Dec. 6th).
As I said earlier....
We may be on opposing sides of the field on Sundays, but we are also, and more importantly...Brethren, connected by a common love of the same sport.
Sean Taylor would have been a great asset to this sport, and he will be very missed by ALL.
We are truly sorry for your pain, and our hearts and prayers go out to Sean's loved ones first and formost,
and to the great franchise and it's awesome Fan Base, of the WASHINGTON REDSKINS.
Know that we all, at, wish you to know that we are also there for you.
R.I.P. Sean Taylor