11-26-2007, 08:08 PM
wow as she was announcing that my heart dropped and for a second I thought she was gonna announce that he passed away. What an awful day, I really hopes he recovers and comes back stronger than ever
11-26-2007, 08:09 PM
I can't take this going back and forth shit! Can these dam reporters just wait until they know the truth before announcing something? Is the man responsive our not!
11-26-2007, 08:10 PM
Redskins Insider (
Sean may have opened his eyes and may be responsive!!!!!!!!!!!
That is great news.. hopefully it is true... I just pray to hear he is going to be okay as soon as possible.
Tha Posse
11-26-2007, 08:10 PM
yeah they are playing old stuff on csn, I can't even get the insider link to open at
11-26-2007, 08:10 PM
wow as she was announcing that my heart dropped and for a second I thought she was gonna announce that he passed away. What an awful day, I really hopes he recovers and comes back stronger than everI felt that exact sense of dread, bracing myself for the worst. Let's pray that the report is accurate that Sean is becoming responsive.
Sheriff Gonna Getcha
11-26-2007, 08:11 PM
Please post in the new thread. BTW, Vinny CONFIRMED that Taylor is responsive, has made facial expressions, and has squeezed doctors' hands in response to stimuli.
11-26-2007, 08:12 PM
Wait, now they just said he is unresponsive??? WTF??
What I hear out here is "responsive but unconscious" I don't want to speak out of turn here not being a doctor, but I hear the "best" comparison right now is Terri Schiavo.
11-26-2007, 08:13 PM
That is great news.. hopefully it is true... I just pray to hear he is going to be okay as soon as possible.
I hope this is true!!! I was watching ESPN Pergame show and they said Taylor was in grave condision. Man this back and forth is hard to deal with!
11-26-2007, 08:15 PM
Apparently at 6:30, Sean did squeeze the hand of the doctor upon request and showed facial expressions to the physicians. This was reported just now on ComCast
Sheriff Gonna Getcha
11-26-2007, 08:15 PM
What I hear out here is "responsive but unconscious" I don't want to speak out of turn here not being a doctor, but I hear the "best" comparison right now is Terri Schiavo.
That could very well be the case, but didn't he squeeze doctor's hands in response to requests to do so? If I recall correctly, Terry couldn't respond to stimuli even though it looked like she was. If ST is indeed responding to requests to squeeze their hands, that is a very, very, very good sign. He's also got to be so drugged up that squeezing a hand in response to a request to do so is significant.