11-26-2007, 07:31 PM
I haven't posted all day maybe cause I'm still in shock. I pray that Sean comes back to health to at least take care of his family, who cares about football. If there's one thing that has occurred due to this tragedy is that it has brought all fans, members of the Redskins team (players, coaches, trainers, etc) closer as a family, we all feel this tragedy deep inside our hearts. As for our season, I say dedicate it to Sean and his family.
11-26-2007, 07:32 PM
That was tough to watch
Everytime I go to I am not seeing Williams press conference or Gibbs? Can you attach a link so I can see this? Thanks.
Everytime I go to I am not seeing Williams press conference or Gibbs? Can you attach a link so I can see this? Thanks.
I can't link to it but it's right on the main page in the videos section
11-26-2007, 07:35 PM
For anyone who hasn't watch the interview with Williams on Go to the last 15 seconds and you'll see Williams get really choked up, say "I just want him to be alright," and have to leave the stage.
That was pretty touching. Williams loves ST - has repeatedly said ST's the best free safety he's ever coached.
Here at work I was watching a direct feed to the press conference (so basically what is going on when the cameras aren't rolling). And one guy there, don't know who it was I only heard the voice, said that Gibbs, Williams and a couple other guys were in Gibbs' office and they all just sat there and cried before Gibbs went to address the team.
All of a sudden football doesn't mean shit and the loss yesterday really doesn't mean anything.
I'm just so bummed out.
11-26-2007, 07:36 PM
I can't link to it but it's right on the main page in the videos section
You may need to be an "insider."
11-26-2007, 07:37 PM
All of a sudden football doesn't mean shit and the loss yesterday really doesn't mean anything.
I'm just so bummed out.
Unfortunately this is what has allowed me to not get so worked up after losses...perspective.
Sometimes we forget these are all humans.
11-26-2007, 07:37 PM
All of a sudden football doesn't mean shit and the loss yesterday really doesn't mean anything.
I'm just so bummed out.
yeah who cares about stupid football when stuff like this happens.
11-26-2007, 07:37 PM
Wilbon Wrote:
Sorry, but I'm not in the habit of having comapanies with their own public relations agenda tell me about black men and what they feel or don't feel.
Talk about an ego.
He says he (and no one else) knows what an entire race of men think.
How small a person he is.
Even his mom would be ashamed.
You may need to be an "insider."
oh yeah that might be it