11-26-2007, 06:36 PM
One thing seems certain to me. Whoever reported that the artery was completely severed is wrong. He would have been pronounced dead twelve hours ago. As many have pointed out he would have quickly bled to death before any paramedics even got to him let alone flew him to the hospital. The fact that the doctors operated on him certainly means that he was still alive. If the artery was completely severed and it took thirty or fourty minutes or something to get him to the operating table he would be dead and it wouldn't be some big secret.
11-26-2007, 06:37 PM
Taylor's ex-teammate: `He has a great heart' - 11/26/2007 - MiamiHerald.com (http://www.miamiherald.com/news/breaking_news/story/321300.html)
Nice Article about Sean in the Miami Herald, writer interviewed former teammate and friend Buck Ortega
Sheriff Gonna Getcha
11-26-2007, 06:41 PM
Good question. I think if he was brain dead, they'd just out right say it. Or maybe they wouldn't. Unresponsive to me, the first thing I would think of is a coma. Until I hear that he's brain dead, I'm at least praying for a recovery. Any type of recovery, so long as he's alive.
Yup. If I was told, you can leave things up to chance, or he can live but never play another down, I'd take the latter.
Sheriff Gonna Getcha
11-26-2007, 06:43 PM
One thing seems certain to me. Whoever reported that the artery was completely severed is wrong. He would have been pronounced dead twelve hours ago. As many have pointed out he would have quickly bled to death before any paramedics even got to him let alone flew him to the hospital. The fact that the doctors operated on him certainly means that he was still alive. If the artery was completely severed and it took thirty or fourty minutes or something to get him to the operating table he would be dead and it wouldn't be some big secret.
Thank you for giving me hope.
11-26-2007, 06:44 PM
I hope he lives through this and gets out of Miami! it took me 21 years put I finally dit it and i don't regret it! it does not matter where in Miami you stay it will reach you! I will pray for ST. This hits close to home.
11-26-2007, 06:46 PM
Wow. I couldn't believe this when I heard about it. What a horrible turn of events for ST. All positive thoughts being sent his way...
11-26-2007, 06:48 PM
I don't know ST from Adam, I'm not going to act like I do, I'm also white as a snowflake and I cannot even begin to act as though I am "down with the struggle" like Wilbon seems to think he is. All I can do is go by what I've seen in the papers, and ST doesn't strike me as a "Pacman Jones" type of person or some type of black crusader born and raised in the hood. He seems like if anything he was a little naive and immature to start out, and made a few bad choices...the justice system has taken it's course, ST has paid his penalties and stayed clean since...IMO Wilbon needs to come down off his sanctimonious high horse and STFU...
EXACTLY. From what I understand, Wilbon grew up pretty well off in suburban Chicago, played high school tennis, and went to ritzy, private Northwestern University. But he's so quick to play the race card, and as you say, act like he's "down with the struggle." He's also a member at luxurious Columbia Country Club in Chevy Chase, MD. But he's down, right? Sanctimonious high horse is exactly right.
Sean was raised by a police chief, never got in any trouble at the U. He made a few bad choices right after coming into the league, and hasn't had a single off-field transgression since. But he "embraced" thug life, right Wilbon? What an asshole.
11-26-2007, 06:49 PM
Does anyone have a link to the Wilbon article/comments you guys are referring to?
Sheriff Gonna Getcha
11-26-2007, 06:51 PM
Redskins Post-Game - washingtonpost.com (http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/content/discussion/2007/11/20/DI2007112000547.html)
Cindy, who helps out JLC, fielded questions on the WP's website around 2:30 today. Cindy seems to suggest that the coma was medically induced. If true, that's very good news.
11-26-2007, 06:51 PM
According to Washington Post Live, Taylor has been "unresponsive" since the shooting. I do not know whether that is because he is in a coma induced by the blood loss, a coma induced by the doctors, or because he has lost all brain function.
I heard the same thing on fox raido report that things are not looking good. He is in real trouble!