11-26-2007, 05:16 PM
Yeah and now the Supreme Court is going to hear a case about whether the Constitutio just says the right to bear arms applies to militias. Real nice huh!!!!! I hope ST makes it, he should. As long as they can stitch the artery back and give him enough blood quick he should pull through. He needs to move from Miami. Sounds like he has enemies there.
11-26-2007, 05:18 PM
Thanks for the Steelers' fans support and prayer
No prob. I have family that have respect for the organization plus, I have friends who are Redskins fans to. So right now it's probably not a good time for them.
11-26-2007, 05:18 PM
I have a single shot 12 Gauge I call JED right under my bed and shells close by.
I only need 1 shot to drop someone close range.
Heal up ST!
I was thinking about getting a shotgun. Much easier then the 9mm, as far as aiming. Just make sure all love ones are behind you and dirt bags in the front, then fire away!
11-26-2007, 05:19 PM
Same here. I have a 9mm in the drawer right next to me bed just in case.
Yeah, now the Feds want to say only folks in the national guard can have firearms
Sheriff Gonna Getcha
11-26-2007, 05:20 PM
Yeah and now the Supreme Court is going to hear a case about whether the Constitutio just says the right to bear arms applies to militias. Real nice huh!!!!! I hope ST makes it, he should. As long as they can stitch the artery back and give him enough blood quick he should pull through. He needs to move from Miami. Sounds like he has enemies there.
Let's keep the politics out of this thread. Thanks.
11-26-2007, 05:24 PM
I don't own a gun and don't care to, but I sure as hell have a good alarm system, and I keep a metal bat just underneath my bed as well as in the hall closet right next to the front door. But I really don't want to see this to turn into a "how much ass I would kick if someone dared break into my house" thread.
I just hope this reaffirms to everyone here, especially those with family to watch over, the importance of securing your home. Fire extinguishers, smoke alarms, home security systems (if you can afford it), and escape and emergency plans just in case. You don't have to keep a 9 under your pillow to ensure safety, but it isn't wrong to do so either. I'm a big dude, and kind of an aplha male type character, and I'd like to think I'd be all badass if an intruder broke in. But attacking an intruder isn't smart. If they're ballsy enough to break in to your house, who knows what else they're capable of. I'm not saying Sean was in the wrong, certainly if you wake up and someone's in your bedroom you're gonna react. This is just so damn sad....
11-26-2007, 05:24 PM
It'll be tough and I don't expect them to practice nearly as long. But the Skins might take on the Bears like the Giants did when their owner passed. (That was last year I think?)
They played the game with a lot of heart and beat the shit out of us. I'm hoping the Skins play on Thursday with ST in mind and play with a lot of anger for the guy that did this to him and with a lot of heart for ST.
I hope its more like Sunday as we do not play on Thursday. Thats Dallas/Greenbay and we have the Thursday after next but we understand what you are saying.
11-26-2007, 05:26 PM
I hope its more like Sunday as we do not play on Thursday. Thats Dallas/Greenbay and we have the Thursday after next but we understand what you are saying.
Oh yeah. I keep thinking we're playing the Bears this week. :sleep:
11-26-2007, 05:29 PM
I have been so unfocused all day because of this madness. I just want to hear something...anything!....c'com Sean! Dammit!!!!
This shit is crazy.
11-26-2007, 05:29 PM
I just spent about 5 mins looking though google. Man you'd be surprised how many times NFL players are the targets of robberies. For example former WR Yancey Thigpen was the victim of 2 armed robberies in 8 years while he was a player. I guess NFL players need to get guards.