11-26-2007, 02:41 PM
Wow, Skins players must be really close.. Including others' families at hospital.. Def a huge thing..
yeah, him moss and portis have been close for sometime now.
Slingin Sammy 33
11-26-2007, 02:43 PM
yeah, him moss and portis have been close for sometime now.
Those three are all from the "U"
11-26-2007, 02:44 PM
I just heard the news a few minutes ago on CNN as well. Let's pray Sean makes it. This is horrible news.
11-26-2007, 02:47 PM
I take back everything thing I have ever said about the comments section of the Washington Post online. There is more negativity and venon on the Miami Herald website than any site I can imagine.
11-26-2007, 02:48 PM
I just wish I could read one stinkin news report that doesn't mention the problems he's had in the past. The F-ING media is so jaded. Come on. The guy's life is hanging in the balance, but let's make sure we bring up the fact that he has been fined for late hits and was involved in an incident over three years ago for which he's already paid his debt to society. Like that has any relevance. Makes me want to punch something.
11-26-2007, 02:51 PM
all i,m going to say is sean has my prayers...its just a terrible thing to deal with ..
11-26-2007, 02:54 PM
Nice to hear people on here,(some media),and his teammates talk about prayer. God bless everyone in his family and on this site.
11-26-2007, 03:00 PM
Okay...first of all, the fact that he made it through surgery is a good sign. The big question is how will the blood loss affect his brain and other internal organs? The coma he is in may have been medically induced to stop pain, minimize brain damage, and help his body heal more quickly. He is young and in supreme physical condition, so that is a big plus. If the nerves in his leg/groin are not damaged, he should regain full strength and function in his leg and return to football next season. If the nerves were badly damaged, it would probably be a career-ending injury. However, Rocky Bleier of the Steelers suffered severe damage to his right leg from a grenade in Vietnam, and returned to play a great career, including four Super Bowl victories, with the Steelers.
So...don't count ST out just yet!
11-26-2007, 03:09 PM
Hey guys I know I've been off for a while now, didn't even had time to come for our annual week match up to do some feedback, but I had to take some time with the news I read today.
My prayers are with Taylor and his family I know the scenario doesn't look good but he's one of the toughest individuals I've ever seen, if someone can pull it off he can, I will be coming back to see any development. it's really a sad news to a great individual.
11-26-2007, 03:13 PM
Hey guys I know I've been off for a while now, didn't even had time to come for our annual week match up to do some feedback, but I had to take some time with the news I read today.
My prayers are with Taylor and his family I know the scenario doesn't look good but he's one of the toughest individuals I've ever seen, if someone can pull it off he can, I will be coming back to see any development. it's really a sad news to a great individual.
Thanks - I'm sure I join the Warpath community when I say your concern is welcome here.
This thing goes beyond being a fan.