11-26-2007, 02:30 PM
I seriously feel sick right now.
I've been stuck in training all morning but my phone has been blowing up with text messages. I seriously just hope he pulls through this. If one day he can come back to playing football that would be gravy but it isn't the most important thing right now.
11-26-2007, 02:34 PM
"One of the bullets ruptured the Femoral artery, and he flat lined 3 times during surgery while they put an artificial artery in place."
Just heard this on TV.
This keeps sounding worse and worse...This is a very sad day.
Keep fighting Sean!
11-26-2007, 02:34 PM
Yeah, no one is reporting on how much Sean has grown over the past couple of years. Cowherd is a douchebag, who is entertaining at times but basically a callous prick, as illustrated by the above. If you haven't followed the Redskins all you know is the bad stuff from a couple of years ago, but Redskins fans and players know better how much maturing Sean has done. Basically they don't know what they are talking about, think that people are incapable of change apparently, and don't follow the Redskins close enough to make a half-way intelligent comment and instead revert to speculation and misinformation.It sickens me that assholes like Cowherd hang out the dirty laundry of a man whose life hangs in the balance. I stopped listening to Cowherd when his show replace Kornheiser's because Cowherd sucked. I'll never listen to his drivel again after hearing about his rant on Taylor. What a flaming A-hole.
11-26-2007, 02:36 PM
I am in shock right now. Can this season get any crazier? My prayers go out to Sean and his family. I just hope he can pull through this.
11-26-2007, 02:36 PM
And now Collin Cowturd on ESPN is spinning the negative on ST. He said he "spent 60 seconds Googling Sean Taylor" and he pulled up all of his troubled past, blah, blah, blah. He thinks this was not a "random" incident. I understand the curiosity of the media and regular peeps as well to question this crime, but to dwell on the negative reminds me of the Don Henley tune "Dirty Laundry." I just wish everyone would wait for the facts before speculating and making assumptions. We will know the facts when they are discovered.
This reminds me of when Bill O'Reilly came out and said that kid who was kidnapped in Missouri and held for 4 years probably "loved the freedom he had because he didn't have to go to school," since the kid never ran away. It turns out that the kid was scared for this life the whole time and that's why he didn't run.
How the F are these guys allowed to just jump to mindless conclusions and not have to suffer any consequences for that they say? I would love for someone to slap them with a law suit just to shut them up.
11-26-2007, 02:36 PM
What do you think is the likelihood of the Miami PD catching the guy?
11-26-2007, 02:37 PM
Redskins Insider (
Cooley said that the latest he heard on the situation was that Sean endured 6 hours of surgery today and is in a coma. He said that Santana Moss's mother is at the hospital and gave the team an update from there.
11-26-2007, 02:38 PM
What do you think is the likelihood of the Miami PD catching the guy?
I guess that all pretty much depends on what Sean can remember once he pulls through this (I'm trying to remain positive)
11-26-2007, 02:38 PM
AP is reporting that the artery was severed. Sean's lawyer told that report this information. I just heard this on the WTEM online.
11-26-2007, 02:38 PM
Redskins Insider (
Cooley said that the latest he heard on the situation was that Sean endured 6 hours of surgery today and is in a coma. He said that Santana Moss's mother is at the hospital and gave the team an update from there.
Wow, Skins players must be really close.. Including others' families at hospital.. Def a huge thing..