11-26-2007, 01:15 PM
From Redskins.com:
"Head coach Joe Gibbs will hold a press conference on Monday at 4:45 p.m. ET. Redskins.com TV broadcasts the press conference LIVE from Redskins Park.
Gibbs is expected to discuss the ongoing Sean Taylor sitiation, as well as Sunday's game against the Tampa Bay Buccaneers at Raymond James Stadium."
11-26-2007, 01:17 PM
Anyone else think this sounds like a hit? I know I will get flamed for saying it, but it strikes me as awfully co-incendental that the one night he spends at home in Miami is the one night this happens. To me, it sounds like someone found out he was going to be home and struck at it him, either as payback for the earlier incident or some other thing his boys might have been involved in. Just seems like an awfully big conincedence to me.
Sammy Baugh Fan
11-26-2007, 01:17 PM
11-26-2007, 01:19 PM
Anyone else think this sounds like a hit? I know I will get flamed for saying it, but it strikes me as awfully co-incendental that the one night he spends at home in Miami is the one night this happens. To me, it sounds like someone found out he was going to be home and struck at it him, either as payback for the earlier incident or some other thing his boys might have been involved in. Just seems like an awfully big conincedence to me.
Dude, don't u think the story when someone hears that nobody is supposed to be there at home and got surprised when he finds ST coming down to find out what's going on makes more sense than a hit?
11-26-2007, 01:19 PM
I want to thank the fans of other teams who have posted their concerns here - and remind everyone that we're all friends here. If you see a Cowboys, Giants, or Eagles avatar - or anyone else, for that matter - take their concern at face value. No one is here to gloat or tease us at this critical time.
Special thanks to those friendly fans of other teams who have changed their avatars to reflect their concern. You know who you are.
11-26-2007, 01:19 PM
My experience in working in the medical field lets me know one thing : Gunshot wounds to the thigh DO NOT require getting air lifted to a hospital, you go by ambulance. This is not good my friends.
Im gonna go pray.....
11-26-2007, 01:19 PM
Depending on the extent of the damage, whether the nerve was nicked or severed; this will determine the course of his physical rehabilitation. Still to early to determine that. At this point, he needs to make it out of surgery. From there, he'll need to get out of the surgical ICU. And so on...
If he was indeed shot in the femoral artery is it true to keep him alive they may need to amputate his leg?
11-26-2007, 01:20 PM
Anyone else think this sounds like a hit? I know I will get flamed for saying it, but it strikes me as awfully co-incendental that the one night he spends at home in Miami is the one night this happens. To me, it sounds like someone found out he was going to be home and struck at it him, either as payback for the earlier incident or some other thing his boys might have been involved in. Just seems like an awfully big conincedence to me.
Redskins Insider (http://blog.washingtonpost.com/redskinsinsider/)
You're not the only one raising that type of thought.
SC Skins Fan
11-26-2007, 01:20 PM
Anyone else think this sounds like a hit? I know I will get flamed for saying it, but it strikes me as awfully co-incendental that the one night he spends at home in Miami is the one night this happens. To me, it sounds like someone found out he was going to be home and struck at it him, either as payback for the earlier incident or some other thing his boys might have been involved in. Just seems like an awfully big conincedence to me.
When you're famous and you make a lot of money you can be a target. We'll find out, but it is a possibility. I'd say it probably reflects on the individual who would perpetrate such a crime rather than on Taylor, who from everything I've seen in the past few years has really become a mature and upright individual. He had some problems early, as every story on this incident has taken the time to mention, but I was very impressed on the few occasions I heard him speak. He had a great understanding of the game and seemed like a very intelligent person besides. Still, your point has some validity and I'd hope that the Miami-Dade police would have that guy who was involved in the earlier case with the ATVs and the lawsuit in for questioning right now.