Sheriff Gonna Getcha 11-12-2007, 06:04 PM Go back and look at the play, the play gets in late and there is complete confusion going on and this causes Cooley to jump the gun. No matter what you will continue to make excuses for Gibbs and his joke of a staff, which by the way is the highest paid in the league. I didnt know great coaching gets you a 5-4 record and 3 4th quarter collapses, your right Gibbs can do no wrong.
Ultimately the buck has got to stop at Gibbs' feet. He is responsible for W-L record, which isn't particularly good. I just think it is hilarious when people blame Gibbs for false starts, fumbles, interceptions, defensive breakdowns, etc. Sorry, but the false start is squarely on Cooley's shoulders. You get your ass on the line and you don't move until the ball is snapped. 10 players didn't jump, Cooley did, but that's Gibbs' fault? :bs:
By the way, I don't make excuses for Gibbs left and right. I stand by him when he is being unfairly criticized and criticize him when he deserves it. For example, I harshly criticized his clock management and burning timeouts. But there are an awful lot of people on this site who blame Gibbs for everything short of the Titanic.
As I said in another thread, there are WAY too many people who want to take things to extremes (e.g., Joe Gibbs is a joke). Think about what are you going to say and then mean what you type. When you say things like Joe Gibbs is a joke, you're just making yourself look stupid. The guy certainly doesn't look like a HoFer this time around, but to say he is a joke is simply dumb.
GiantsSuck703 11-12-2007, 06:05 PM Thats the best thing about this forum, your absolutely in no way allowed to question anything that has to do with the Redskins. If you dont drink the Kool-aid your an idiot who has no idea what your talking about, your not allowed to speak out at all against the coaching staff. There will be no "extend Joe Gibbs contract" threads next week because we are going to get absolutely demolished by Dallas. If Sean Taylor cant go and Gregg Williams decides to play the same dumb ass zone defense that has allowed teams to take advantage of the underneath plays were going to be embarrassed. We needed to win this game badly, if you cant see that than your Burgundy and gold glasses are on a little to tight. Joe Gibbs not only cost us this game but he cost us the Giants game as well. We won the Cardinals,Jets and Dolphins game by pure luck. Conservative play gets you nowhere in the NFL and if you think were just one or two plays away from being a great team in the NFC you are sadly mistaken.
This is a prime example of not being allowed to go against the grain on a so called fan forum. Unfortunately some people only appreciate "speaking your mind" when your in agreement with them. Im about to be "benched" for this truthful statement, give me a break. I dont really understand what this website is about, come on, its about being a kool-aid drinker and everyone who says anything negative about the team is all of a sudden in danger of being benched. If you cant take a debate, then dont get involved in the argument.
#56fanatic 11-12-2007, 06:11 PM If they weren't that football savvy, why just assume that they were right?
my point was even the most uninformed football person knew they were running before the play. Wouldn't you think the football coaches and players from the philly side knew what was coming.
JWsleep 11-12-2007, 07:29 PM For the record, the draw play we ran was actually a run/pass option. JC reads the D and hands it off if they're back, throws wide if they stack the line. Not a bad play--gives JC some freedom there. It didn't work, but it wasn't a bad call.
This per Gibbs's press conference today. Washington Redskins (http://www.redskins.com)
skinsguy 11-12-2007, 07:59 PM Its not gonna happen,so dont do this to yourself,I been doing this the last couple of years and all I have got is laughed at by all the cowboys,giants and eagles fans at my job it SUCKS dude,not to mention the money I lost on side bets.It is what it is.
You gotta have a little faith. I mean we're fans of this team, right? Even if the Redskins lose this Sunday, they still have six games left. Even if there is no way we can beat the Dallas Cowboys (which I believe we can,) then that still leaves five other teams that I believe we are just as good as if not better.
skinsfan_nn 11-12-2007, 08:18 PM Yea, if Joe can't run the ball a little harder inside the 5, and stop missing so many tackles, oh yea and his penalties are killing us.
Schneed10 11-12-2007, 09:29 PM With regards to Joe Gibbs I am indeed beginning to lose my patience. See, Gibbs is not just coach, but team president as well. It's not like we have a GM we can blame this on. Gibbs has been in charge of player acquisition the past four years, with Dan Snyder sitting back. Let's face it, we've all praised Snyder for finally allowing someone to handle football operations.
I absolutely can't find fault with Gibbs' coaching. But you know what's putting our November and December in dire straits? Depth. We've lost linemen, CBs, WRs, and now Sean Taylor who is the absolute keystone to our defense. And now our player well is running dry. Now I can see how it's unreasonable to expect any team to do well under these injury circumstances. But Gibbs is an elite coach. His clock management is off, but he's still motivating guys like the best of em. Elite teams are coached by elite coaches, and we're not elite because we can't cope with the injuries.
Why can't we cope? Because our team president made brilliant moves such as trading for TJ Duckett, trading for Brandon Lloyd, signing Adam Archuleta to a ridiculous contract, and eschewing draft picks in the process. We don't have depth because we don't have any mid round picks on our team.
Gibbs the coach is doing great in my opinion. He's taking a solid team and rescuing them from the depths of injury hell, producing a mediocre product. But the reason he can't do any better than that is because Gibbs the team president hasn't helped Gibbs the coach enough.
Unfortunately, you have to judge the complete package. With Snyder in the background, there's nobody else to point to.
SmootSmack 11-12-2007, 09:40 PM With regards to Joe Gibbs I am indeed beginning to lose my patience. See, Gibbs is not just coach, but team president as well. It's not like we have a GM we can blame this on. Gibbs has been in charge of player acquisition the past four years, with Dan Snyder sitting back. Let's face it, we've all praised Snyder for finally allowing someone to handle football operations.
I absolutely can't find fault with Gibbs' coaching. But you know what's putting our November and December in dire straits? Depth. We've lost linemen, CBs, WRs, and now Sean Taylor who is the absolute keystone to our defense. And now our player well is running dry. Now I can see how it's unreasonable to expect any team to do well under these injury circumstances. But Gibbs is an elite coach. His clock management is off, but he's still motivating guys like the best of em. Elite teams are coached by elite coaches, and we're not elite because we can't cope with the injuries.
Why can't we cope? Because our team president made brilliant moves such as trading for TJ Duckett, trading for Brandon Lloyd, signing Adam Archuleta to a ridiculous contract, and eschewing draft picks in the process. We don't have depth because we don't have any mid round picks on our team.
Gibbs the coach is doing great in my opinion. He's taking a solid team and rescuing them from the depths of injury hell, producing a mediocre product. But the reason he can't do any better than that is because Gibbs the team president hasn't helped Gibbs the coach enough.
Unfortunately, you have to judge the complete package. With Snyder in the background, there's nobody else to point to.
Good points. He's certainly made more mistakes in the office than on the field. Joe Gibbs hasn't always supported Joe Gibbs. There is hope that that is turning around. We've seen some signs (perhaps mostly idle words) of this, but it's a tough hole he's dug that he is ultimately responsible for.
But, as I mentioned last season, I think our talent evaluation issues may be at a more basic, scouting level.
Either way, it's definitely something that needs to be improved
(by the way, Schneed I removed your post from the other thread b/c it made more sense just to have it here)
skinsguy 11-12-2007, 09:48 PM (by the way, Schneed I removed your post from the other thread b/c it made more sense just to have it here)
LOL! Can you move mine too SS? Cuz I was replying back to Schneed in the other thread. ;)
SmootSmack 11-12-2007, 09:50 PM LOL! Can you move mine too SS? Cuz I was replying back to Schneed in the other thread. ;)
I just PM'd you