I Was Wrong When...

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12-15-2010, 01:11 AM
I was wrong thinking we would make to the Playoffs and thinking we only needed 1 season to fix a Decades worth of turmoil.

I was wrong about giving That Fat Bastard the Beneift of the doubt and rotten him on and thinking dude would change his B***H @ss ways.

12-15-2010, 01:43 AM
I said it was a mistake to sign London Fletcher
I said Brandon Lloyd would have about 600 yards receiving last year and be our big play WR
I said Kenny Wright was a smart pickup by the Redskins to play Nickel ("Like having another starter!")
I said Amobi Okoye was overratedI said the Bucs would start this season 0-6

And so on. Point is, I've been "right" (Marcus Washington, Randle El, Andre Carter) and I've been wrong countless times on this site. Just about all of us have. There isn't a single person on this site who has posted with relative regularity and can claim to have never been wrong.

So why the point of this thread? To point out that there's no shame in admitting you're wrong and to dispel any ridiculous notion that I or anyone else here just scours threads looking to point out when anyone else is wrong. Fact is, I (and every other mod) read 99% of all posts on this site. We have been for years, we have to. It's our responsibility. We notice patterns but none of us go looking to find things that are wrong.

But since there are some (one) people here who think (incorrectly) that my only purpose here is to point out when everyone else is wrong, I thought I'd start a thread pointing out a few times when I've been wrong.

Guess what? I will be wrong again...and so will you.

not going to read all the pages,but I think your still wrong about this,lol

12-15-2010, 01:47 AM
I was wrong about JC twice(first as a kool-aid drinker, then as a "hater").
I was wrong about Jim Zorn being a great QB coach and his potential for being a head coach.

12-15-2010, 02:11 AM
I was so wrong when I put Icy Hot on my balls thinking it would take the burn away. J/K

12-15-2010, 09:49 AM
I was wrong when....

I said this team was an 8-8 or better team talent wise. I still stand by that but... Picking up a new GM and Coaching staff who don't know the player that well or their skills, starting a new defensive scheme, and not having the players suited to play that defensive scheme was apparently too much for the team to handle all in one year.

I said McNabb sucked. Oh wait I should have put this in the "I was right when..." thread. lol. Ok, he's clearly still got an arm, and is better then Campbell, but the reasons I didn't want him here is exactly why the fans and media are questioning if he will be here next yr. He throws dirt balls too much (which I presume is so opponants won't have a chance at intercepting them), he throws too high at times, he's picking up JC's trait of throwing too hard when his receiver is relatively close to him causing dropped balls, and lastly he can no longer scramble (the big one).

I said I don't know why Haslett was signed cause his statistics are horrible. lol, well this one might very well should be put in the I was right thread also and some of you will dissagree with me, but.... the team simply looked like they were having fun this year on defense. I know I'll get blasted with the whole stats and yards allowed but I'd almost rather have a happy team having fun enjoying themselves vs. Greg Williams rigid strict "don't bend, don't break" mentality. Honestly I know we all are hoping but I'm really hoping that Haslett can get the players he needs and can pull this out now and shut us all up. He's here, most likely not going anywhere soon so ... might as well hope the 3-4 actually revives his career and supprises us all.

This team will be a running machine with Mike Shanahan's running offensive scheme. I'll be honest here also. I really think MS tried through the preseason to incorporate his running scheme and probably figured out quickly that he doesn't have the players to run that either so relied heavily on his son KS to utilize the passing game more. I again hope MS can get more OL for his system to work and teams have to fear the Skins like they did MS's Bronco's when it comes to running. I think KS did a good job but we were one dimensional.

12-15-2010, 09:51 AM
I was so wrong when I put Icy Hot on my balls thinking it would take the burn away. J/K

Interesting. not that I'm thinking of your balls, lol, but they were burning? lol. I guess it's the ole thought were if someone has a head ache and you stomp on their foot to take their mind off their head ache.... cept you really must have wanted to focus on your balls. :)

12-15-2010, 10:44 AM
When I always thought when Jim Hasslet was with other teams that he looked like he didnt know what he was doing.
He has a constant Wade Phillips look on his face. For God sakes JIm im no doctor but jeeeeeeeze!!!

12-15-2010, 11:00 AM
I was wrong about the amount of draft picks I would have traded for Cutler. I still wish we had him though.

12-15-2010, 11:04 AM
When I always thought when Jim Hasslet was with other teams that he looked like he didnt know what he was doing.
He has a constant Wade Phillips look on his face. For God sakes JIm im no doctor but jeeeeeeeze!!!

Wait this should have went under the I Was Right When......... Thread!!!:spank:

12-15-2010, 11:52 AM
Has aceinthehouse come in and posted this yet:

I was wrong when I said the Redskins would finish 14 and 2 this season, really wrong.

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