4mrusmc 10-07-2007, 08:27 PM he is number 3 and Carlos not only held on but he scored he actually made a break on the ball. That is amazing.
When Los made that INT, and started running with the ball in one hand all the way to the house, I was yelling at him through the TV saying, "hold one with two hands while learning." LOL But anyway, nice to have a solid vet in McCardell on the team, maybe he can push the others to step-up their game.
JWsleep 10-07-2007, 09:19 PM McCardell was very good today--what's more, he seems to have a good vibe with JC--JC was joking about Keenan in his presser.
Hopefully, ARE will be ok (he seemed pretty confident he would be in his locker room interview, but we'll see.) I feel confident about Moss as well, but he's a bit more fragile, so it pays to take it easy with him, IMO.
skinsfan_nn 10-07-2007, 09:24 PM Brandon who? This is looking to be a GREAT SIGNING!
And how about the MAN THRASH, HUGE GAME.
skinsnut 10-07-2007, 11:07 PM This is how I see it long term
1 moss
3 McCardell
4 Thrash
5 Lloyd
Next week, I bet we go with
1 Moss
2 Thrash
3 McCardell
I know its only a hammy, but some of those take a week or two to clear for sprinters
kdogg3270 10-07-2007, 11:37 PM Agreed.
Just goes to show you that Lloyd and Caldwell must suck something awful that a guy that's been here 6 days has a better outing.
McCardell is a class act, and knows this game...glad to have him here.
McCardell simply is WAY more experienced, and has been good for years too..it showed itself today.
SmootSmack 10-08-2007, 12:43 AM I don't think the Skins are happy with Caldwell...he's had a lot more time than McCardell to make it in the lineup and couldn't do it. Something is going on there that were really aren't aware of.
It's kind of interesting that both Saunders and Mccardell have said that KM has picked up this offense quickly because he benefitted from playing in a similar situation in San Diego...but wasn't Reche playing there as well?
Cowell 10-08-2007, 12:51 AM Really McCardell did exactly what I thought Caldwell was going to do this week. Did Caldwell even get a catch, or a look for that matter? Once again as long as we move the ball I'm fine. I mean even B. Lloyd got a catch this week! Even though that was only because ARE got injured.
Luxorreb 10-08-2007, 02:37 AM As Moss said,"they more the merrier."
McCardell is a great addition as is Caldwell and was Lloyd. Hopefully the story with Lloyd will unfold in a positive way. McCardell's tale is already storybook Gibbs miracle story. Drafted by Gibbs, etc.
And Jason Campbell quote concerning Keenan:
"Keenan plays with a lot of confidence," Campbell said. "He just comes in the game with hands-down confidence. He said, 'Hey, J, get me the ball. I'm going to get it.' He did that today, so what more can you ask from a guy who's only been here a week?"
SanFranSkinsFan 10-08-2007, 02:42 AM As Moss said,"they more the merrier."
McCardell is a great addition as is Caldwell and was Lloyd. Hopefully the story with Lloyd will unfold in a positive way. McCardell's tale is already storybook Gibbs miracle story. Drafted by Gibbs, etc.
Not a big Lloyd fan, he seems to still be trying to figure it out. He was really good in San Fran, but a crappy teammate and average worker..... Keenan is a terrific addition, was great for Jax, and the fact he's got it figured out already is impressive (no Skin had it figured out next year). Plus he's a bigger target than our dinged up smurf receivers, and he can play catch with Brunell and keep Mark happy (like the old days in FLA).
TenandSix:Unacceptable 10-08-2007, 03:46 AM Carlos caught a ball too.
Anybody else notice Brandon Lloyd saying, "He caught it!", when Carlos got that pick?