09-26-2007, 02:06 PM
I'll pass on the throw backs. Yellow is a aweful color, IMO I kinda link yellow to being cowardly.
If WE would have won it would have eased the pain of that ugly yellow.
Well, Blue is a color of depression, and we see that pretty much every team that's won the super bowl this decade had blue in the uniform.
While I usually share in your thought about yellow, I thought it was put together nicely...not like the 80's Tampa team.
I do think if something doesn't work, you change it. So next game I would go back to the uni's we used vs Phily. Those uni's should get a thorough wash and brought back later. But I am supersticious like that. I changed out jersey's and hats, and moved the other hats around and so on just to try to beat the Giants.
09-26-2007, 07:31 PM
I love the 75th anni. unis. Not as nice as the 70th, but still awesome.
09-27-2007, 10:50 AM
While I usually share in your thought about yellow, I thought it was put together nicely...not like the 80's Tampa team.
The Bucs were never yellow. :confused:
Redskin Rich
09-29-2007, 09:02 PM
I liked the jerseys... of course my wife's comment was she kept thinking of McDonalds. But, what do women know about style????
10-01-2007, 12:52 PM
I really liked the throwbacks. The only thing I would change is maybe the yellow pants. It's almost a little too much yellow for me. But I did like them. I love the yellow helmets.
10-01-2007, 01:03 PM
I've always liked those helmets too...that logo with the R and the feather is one my favs....however I just wish they had wore the solid burgendy jerseys with them instead of the whites.
Am I correct in thinking that they have never worn all burgendy (jersey & pants) with their current helmet??? I don't remember seeing that
10-01-2007, 03:03 PM
I looked back a few pages to see if a Throwback thread was started and I didn't see one. Sorry if I'm wrong.
~doing best Billy Crystal imitation
"You Redskins may have lost but in those Throwbacks you looked absolutly Marvelous!"
Me personally I thought they looked great. Them helmets are Classic man and with the bright yellow pants that was just very cool to see. I wish we would have won and Gibb kept using them like he did with the white uni's for a while.
What did ya'll think?
Did you see that blue crap the egals had to wear? Bwhahahahaha
And remember...it's not how you feel...it's how you rook! Thank you ladies and gentlemen, I'll be here all week and don't forget to tip your waiters and waitresses :rolleyes:
Actually, even though I originally thought the throwback unis sucked, after watching the game they kinda looked cool and retro (even though that term is so "yesterday").
10-03-2007, 02:28 PM
Ugh, I HATED them. I just don't like so much yellow. Then someone said that Vince Lombardi personally designed them, and modeled them after the Packers. Sorry, give me burgundy jerseys and white pants at home every single game.
Actually, I think the throwbacks were the reason we lost yesterday.:cussing:
I agree, looked liked I was watching Green Bay Packers from the upper deck!! Never wear them again!!
10-03-2007, 06:06 PM
that looked nice but i liked the throwbacks in 2002 better.
10-03-2007, 06:09 PM
I HATED it, hurt my eyes when I watched the game with throwbacks..