09-24-2007, 12:13 AM
Did this really need an entire new thread?
Brandon Lloyd is bad, so he doesn't play.
Brandon Lloyd is expensive, so he isn't cut.
I'm not sure that there is anything left to talk about with regards to him.
To each his own.
Basically, you can't put it any clearer than this.....This is exactly what should be said about B. Lloyd in every conversation concerning him....
09-24-2007, 11:04 AM
Brandon Lloyd is getting the archuleta treatment..
Obviously. Speaking of which, anybody notice that Arch Deluxe was all over the place last night for the Bears? Not saying this will happen with Lloyd, because it's pretty obvious he's not really that good of a player, but still...
09-24-2007, 11:14 AM
Never mind, it appears I stopped watching the Dallas-Chicago trainwreck right after Arch made his only good play of the evening ;)
09-24-2007, 11:54 AM
Is he really that bad that he's only on the field for like four plays a game. It really pains me to see the James Thrash (who I happen to like as a person and a special teams guy) is our freakin third wide receiver. I kept hearing that Lloyd put all this work in during the off season, why the hell don't they involve him in the offense then. If he's that bad, they should just cut his stupid ass and then go to Carlos Rodgers and tell him that if he doesn't start playing like a first round draft pick he's gonna be next. In fact, both of those guys should go back to their home on Bum Island.
COuldnt agree with you more!
He should have at least made that tackle on Plaxico that tied the game for them! He is playijn like some ass!
09-25-2007, 12:29 AM
this is classic LOL
I'll bet the dallas forums were like this the past 2 years following skins/cowboys games, lol...
09-25-2007, 12:50 AM
Well, I need to make a public apology here...I was dead wrong about Lloyd. I thought for sure he was gonna break out this was I wrong.
I am officially on the Lloyd sucks bandwagon and time to get his ass out of town.
09-25-2007, 01:00 AM
Maybe he'll have a reverse vision unlike Sean Gilbert and instead of taking the money, he'll return it. Hell, give me a 60th of his salary and I'll suit up.
09-25-2007, 01:03 AM
Maybe he'll have a reverse vision unlike Sean Gilbert and instead of taking the money, he'll return it. Hell, give me a 60th of his salary and I'll suit up.
Yeah right...he's only in this for the money, he has no love of the game.
09-25-2007, 01:15 AM
Can he be forced to suit up and be a special teams coverage player? I'd like to see him at least take some hits for all that dough...