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skinsfan_nn 09-19-2007, 10:32 PM IMO I don't want to hear him cryin about black QB'S having a tougher time in the NFL, what about the other position's in the NFL? Ratio white to black? There you have it.
He's a big ass crying baby that's been crying this same old tune for far to long, that happens to be INJURY PRONE and CAN'T PLAY LIKE HE ONCE COULD! Can't help it he's black.
redskinsfanatic 09-20-2007, 12:09 PM injuries have taken their toll on him,but the eagles coaching staff has never given him a decent reciever other than owens,thrash, and pinkston either.
i think it's more frustration than anything else.he's really gonna cry when he gets benched and kolb comes in for him.
Bushead 09-20-2007, 02:08 PM I still feel like this was manufactured news with an unethical stringing of video tape to a result.
The Zimmermans 09-20-2007, 02:25 PM I like McNabb as a person and a player. He's a black atlete who worked hard, defied odds and succeeded as a QB in the NFL...he can say what he wants, he has earned the right after managing to play in that City successfully for that long.
Dlyne8r 09-20-2007, 02:45 PM Please oh please don't get Jason Campbell mixed up in all of this crap. Now this from:
ProFootballTalk.com -- The Best Pro Football Scoop on the Internet (http://www.profootballtalk.com/rumormill.htm)
I hope Florio doesn't make more of JC's comments than necessary. But, given PFT's rep, I wouldn't be surprised to hear more backlash from this.
Paintrain 09-20-2007, 02:51 PM I think McNabb is 100% right in what he says. Black QB have to be great, not good to keep a job in the NFL.. History in the past 10 years reinforces that. For example, how many black backups are out there? Proven losers or relative no names like Doug Johnson, Kerry Collins, Sage Rosenfels, Trent Edwards, etc. and washed up QB like Vinny Testaverde & Brad Johnson are collecting checks.. Doug Flutie got a 20 year career out of being a novelty act.
It took Byron Leftwich, a career 59% passer with a nearly 2-1 career TD/INT ratio nearly a month to get a contract after he was released. Aaron Brooks, nowhere near a great QB, really not even good but more accomplished than any of the aforementioned white QB (except Brad Johnson) is still out of the NFL. History is littered with good/decent black QB who never got another shot or didn't get the opportunity to hang on as a backup for 10+ years.. For every Anthony Wright, there are 3 Shaun Kings.
There are more black starting QB than there were years ago no doubt, but is Aaron Brooks any worse than 50% of the backups in the league today? That’s where McNabb’s point is being missed by the masses.. Black QB don’t get the benefit of the doubt when it comes to teams taking a chance on them, even as a backup… If Dennis Green took a chance on Randall Cunningham who was out of the league because nobody would bring him into even a training camp, he went on to win 15 games and be within a missed FG of going to the Super Bowl.. Those are the examples McNabb is talking about. JP Losman is in his 4th year of accomplishing nothing in Buffalo and yet there is minmal question or outcry for his job. Steve McNair was a MVP runner up, perennial pro bow QB, Super Bowl QB, had a bad year and fans & media were calling for Billy Volek..
I think McNabb is 100% right in what he says. Black QB have to be great, not good to keep a job in the NFL.. History in the past 10 years reinforces that. For example, how many black backups are out there? Proven losers or relative no names like Doug Johnson, Kerry Collins, Sage Rosenfels, Trent Edwards, etc. and washed up QB like Vinny Testaverde & Brad Johnson are collecting checks.. Doug Flutie got a 20 year career out of being a novelty act.
It took Byron Leftwich, a career 59% passer with a nearly 2-1 career TD/INT ratio nearly a month to get a contract after he was released. Aaron Brooks, nowhere near a great QB, really not even good but more accomplished than any of the aforementioned white QB (except Brad Johnson) is still out of the NFL. History is littered with good/decent black QB who never got another shot or didn't get the opportunity to hang on as a backup for 10+ years.. For every Anthony Wright, there are 3 Shaun Kings.
There are more black starting QB than there were years ago no doubt, but is Aaron Brooks any worse than 50% of the backups in the league today? That’s where McNabb’s point is being missed by the masses.. Black QB don’t get the benefit of the doubt when it comes to teams taking a chance on them, even as a backup… If Dennis Green took a chance on Randall Cunningham who was out of the league because nobody would bring him into even a training camp, he went on to win 15 games and be within a missed FG of going to the Super Bowl.. Those are the examples McNabb is talking about. JP Losman is in his 4th year of accomplishing nothing in Buffalo and yet there is minmal question or outcry for his job. Steve McNair was a MVP runner up, perennial pro bow QB, Super Bowl QB, had a bad year and fans & media were calling for Billy Volek..
That's hard to bite. If that were true the black athlete would not comprise the 80% < > that curretly is the NFL norm. A bunch of second tier white guys would be there instead.
I think the current lack of quality QB's in the NFL is serious, and not lost on NFL management, and coach's. If he can throw the ball, I think Jamal Alvarez Feldman gets a contract this afternoon.
If Mcnabb is trying to help his cause, he's a stupid SOB if does not realize the effect his continued cry baby remarks are having.
GTripp0012 09-20-2007, 05:05 PM I could go on & on. But being black there are things that you do have to do better than your white counterparts even in 2007. So I UNDERSTAND his statement but DO NOT USE it as an excuse for poor performance on the field.Good points.
If Donovan had come out and said, "hey guys, don't you think I'm being unfairly critized based on a two game sample under special circumstances," I would be behind him 100%. At the end of the season when the Eagles offense starts producing like they should be and they compete for/make the playoffs, this early season criticism will be far in the mirror.
The problem is that he's trying to project his problem onto african-american quarterbacks around the league to get some extra support. Does anyone here think Steve McNair is being unfairly criticized? Jason Campbell? How about Tavaris Jackson? Byron Leftwich? Well...maybe Leftwich, but because of race?
He really has been overly sensitive to criticizms since the 2005 season and feels the need to defend himself in the media. While ignoring the media coverage is easier said than done, his best bet is to try to keep a low profile for awhile. Don't give pressers and whatnot. Things that you don't mean keep being said, and he may be wearing out his welcome with the mainstream fans.
GTripp0012 09-20-2007, 05:19 PM There are more black starting QB than there were years ago no doubt, but is Aaron Brooks any worse than 50% of the backups in the league today? That’s where McNabb’s point is being missed by the masses.. Black QB don’t get the benefit of the doubt when it comes to teams taking a chance on them, even as a backup… If Dennis Green took a chance on Randall Cunningham who was out of the league because nobody would bring him into even a training camp, he went on to win 15 games and be within a missed FG of going to the Super Bowl.. Those are the examples McNabb is talking about. JP Losman is in his 4th year of accomplishing nothing in Buffalo and yet there is minmal question or outcry for his job. Steve McNair was a MVP runner up, perennial pro bow QB, Super Bowl QB, had a bad year and fans & media were calling for Billy Volek..Yes, yes he is. Brooks is terrible.
Look, people look at Losman's passer rating and think that he made a huge improvement in 2006. He didn't, because he threw for a high percentage of his teams TD's and that will heavily skew passer rating. Losman makes a ton of bad decisions, and although his periphials (comp % and Y/A) were pretty good last year, the ridculous jump between his second and third seasons has "fluke" written all over it. So far this year, Losman only has 5.5 y/a passing, not very good.
Scouting error, which is rampant in the NFL, is not evidence that black QBs are undervalued. If anything, QB athleticism is incredibly overvalued, be you black, white, or other. Look at Leftwich's case. The guy has better rushing skills than Carson Palmer, and better pocket mobility than Kyle Boller, but he's out of a job. Because of his race? No, because his coach spends all day on the defensive side of the ball, decides that fat people can't move, and thusly that Garrard is his QB.
Black QBs don't get the benefit of the doubt? Shaun King? Aaron Brooks? Tavaris Jackson? Rodney Peete? Jeff Blake? Anthony Wright?
None of these guys are superstars, but they all hung around as backups (save Jackson) while young prospects got put on the practice squad and then out of the league.
Tony Banks?
Ill agree that Warren Moon had to take the long road because of the era he played in, and Cunningham was met with a lot of criticizm, the type that McNabb thinks he's getting, but I believe that Moon and Cunningham cant be enamored with McNabb's feelings right now.
Rajmahal33 09-20-2007, 05:23 PM I think McNabb is right when he says that black QB's have to work harder to prove themselves, but he is wrong when he tries to use that as an excuse for why he gets more criticism.
The bottom line is that even though the NFL as well as many sports is a black majority league, there are certain stigmas for positions and which races should play them. The first part of donovan's statement was made with respect to this and he is right b/c im sure that black QB's have to work hard to shed the stigma that they are also talented passers. Earlier on this thread someone drew a parallel to White RB's which i think is true. Limbaugh got fired b/c he is a racist prick and even though he didn't bring up race directly he was hinting that Donovan's success was some sort of affirmative action enforced by the media. If donovan is an idiot (which i think he is) for making the additional comment that black QB's are criticized more then Rush is equally idiotic for making comments like he did. U can't argue it both ways!
I really don't know why bringing up Al Sharpton, Jesse Jackson, and the NAACP was necessary in any of these discussions. That, to me, sounds like ignorance by some members of this thread about other issues trying to poke its way into a benign discussion.