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#56fanatic 09-18-2007, 02:09 PM I dont think this type of thing will ever stop. It is changing, but slowly. Facts are facts. The QB position in the NFL has been a white position since the beginning. It is getting to be more diverse that what it use to be, but it will probably always be like it is now. Referring to McNabb, Young ect as the Black QB. I dont think him saying its because of my color I get critisized is fair, or on point. Like it was said earlier, Philly fans dont care what color he is, they will boo no matter what. I am sure if there was a white RB in the NFL now that was tearing it up, it would get a lot of attention because of him being white. Listen to players introduce other team members, they do it all the time. Didn't McNabb introduce on of his WR as "white lightening" or something. Why is that important, because the term white lightening means the white guy can run fast, which generally white guys aren't that fast. Its all over the NFL, and NBA for that matter. A white guy that play like a black guy, remember White Chocolate?? So for athletes to all of the sudden bring this crap up his hypocritical. thats my point of view.
Monkeydad 09-18-2007, 02:20 PM I dont think this type of thing will ever stop. It is changing, but slowly. Facts are facts. The QB position in the NFL has been a white position since the beginning. It is getting to be more diverse that what it use to be, but it will probably always be like it is now. Referring to McNabb, Young ect as the Black QB. I dont think him saying its because of my color I get critisized is fair, or on point. Like it was said earlier, Philly fans dont care what color he is, they will boo no matter what. I am sure if there was a white RB in the NFL now that was tearing it up, it would get a lot of attention because of him being white. Listen to players introduce other team members, they do it all the time. Didn't McNabb introduce on of his WR as "white lightening" or something. Why is that important, because the term white lightening means the white guy can run fast, which generally white guys aren't that fast. Its all over the NFL, and NBA for that matter. A white guy that play like a black guy, remember White Chocolate?? So for athletes to all of the sudden bring this crap up his hypocritical. thats my point of view.
Just worrying or thinking about "diversity" is racist in a way, it is still viewing people by the skin colors and even setting unfair quotas that make skin color more important than skills and performance. Look at the rule that a black candidate MUST be interviewed before hiring a new coach. That's racist in my opinion. Judge by merits, not skin color. Most people who preach "Unity" and "Diversity" are the people keeping race in front of everyone and are actually causing more of a separation and racial divide. I believe MOST people think about results more than race when it comes to sports, employment, anything else. But, when you are forced to look at skin colors to fulfill some artificial quota, it brings race to the forefront in your mind and in your daily life when it probably would've been overlooked before.
WillH 09-18-2007, 02:20 PM McNabbs an idiot for saying this crap.
I used to think of him as a classy guy, and at times I can see what he means by being criticized as a black qb, but those instences come from ignorant INDIVIDUALS, and make up a very small minority. And when those ignorant people say these racist things they are criticized, and even sometimes fired.
Yes people for a long time fought to keep black athletes out of white leagues, and in the past there has been a stigma that suggests that qb is a "white position." And yes Donovan there are still racists in america... but it doesn't pervade the culture at large, and to take that on as part of your identity sets this country back, all races...
Do america a favor and show some class or shut the fu@# up!
WillH 09-18-2007, 02:28 PM Just worrying or thinking about "diversity" is racist in a way, it is still viewing people by the skin colors and even setting unfair quotas that make skin color more important than skills and performance. Look at the rule that a black candidate MUST be interviewed before hiring a new coach. That's racist in my opinion. Judge by merits, not skin color. Most people who preach "Unity" and "Diversity" are the people keeping race in front of everyone and are actually causing more of a separation and racial divide. I believe MOST people think about results more than race when it comes to sports, employment, anything else. But, when you are forced to look at skin colors to fulfill some artificial quota, it brings race to the forefront in your mind and in your daily life when it probably would've been overlooked before.
This is not entirely true. The fact is white hisghschool graduates on average make the same income as black COLLEGE GRADS!!!
There is still a racial divide in this country, and people are still making professional decisions based on race rather then qualification.
I think professional sports is a unique spectrum within which race is not considered when evaluating a prospect...So if McNabb wants to bitch about race he should be looking out for his fellow AA's and complain about racial inequality in the workplace, and consider himself lucky to be talented enough at football to not have to face the cruel reality of the working world in todays america.
ArtMonkDrillz 09-18-2007, 02:30 PM This is not entirely true. The fact is white hisghschool graduates on average make the same income as black COLLEGE GRADS!!!
There is still a racial divide in this country, and people are still making professional decisions based on race rather then qualification.
I think professional sports is a unique spectrum within which race is not considered when evaluating a prospect...So if McNabb wants to bitch about race he should be looking out for his fellow AA's and complain about racial inequality in the workplace, and consider himself lucky to be talented enough at football to not have to face the cruel reality of the working world in todays america.
Well said.
Dirtbag59 09-18-2007, 02:36 PM I see McNabb leaving Philly next year for Chicago or Atlanta (my bets on Chicago).
sandtrapjack 09-18-2007, 02:38 PM The race issue was not "thrust" upon Donovan, he's been using that excuse and story since he's been in the league. I have to think that his racial and paranoid look at the world comes from his father. Remember during the Owens/McNabb catfight when his father came on TV and called Owens' criticism of his son's play "black-on-black crime"? That's ridiculous. He has always spoken about himself as a black QB instead of just a QB. The people who claim to be victims are actually the people keeping the racial divide alive, people like Jesse Jackson, Al Sharpton, the NAACP and yes, even McNabb every time he whines about being a victim.
You never hear Jason Campbell segregate himself or mention his skin color, all he talks about is trying to help his teammates win. That's class. Even Doug Williams became tired of all of the focus on his skin color, as he should've been.
McNabb's latest crying fit on HBO, claiming he's criticized because he is black is just STUPID. First, Philly will boo everyone and anyone, even Santa Claus or someone singing the Nation Anthem. Secondly, they're not booing him because he's black, just look at his stats and his health record. He's not the QB he used to be and they're realizing that they'll never make another Super Bowl with him. His stats put him at the bottom of the league this season. Even mediocre and backup QBs have better stats than him. As seen last night, he can't get the job done any more. He can't run. He can't hit receivers accurately. He can't win for the team anymore.
If it was a racial issue, Rex Grossman would be praised constantly and no one would like Tiger Woods.
Shut up Donovan. We're sick of you.
What Did McNabb Mean? (http://www.blackathlete.net/artman/publish/printer_1527.shtml)
Couldn't have said it better myself. I concur with everything you said here. Especially what you said about Al Sharpton and Jesse Jackson. The issue of race has made both of these men VERY VERY rich. As long as they can keep racism alive, they will keep getting paid millions.
#56fanatic 09-18-2007, 03:02 PM what was it that Rush Limbaugh said that got him fired? I know it was about McNabb, but isn't what McNabb is saying convenient or OK for him, but somehow got Limbaugh fired. I dont recall what RL said, but maybe someone here can remember.
steveo395 09-18-2007, 03:16 PM what was it that Rush Limbaugh said that got him fired? I know it was about McNabb, but isn't what McNabb is saying convenient or OK for him, but somehow got Limbaugh fired. I dont recall what RL said, but maybe someone here can remember.
Didn't he say that the media was afraid to criticize him because he was black or something like that
70Chip 09-18-2007, 03:25 PM I don't know what Donovan is talking about. Last night he played like shit and the announcers were still blaming his receivers and offering numerous other excuses for his awful play. Then they put Charles Barkley on to basically say the Philly fans are ungrateful and that Donovan is great, blah, blah, blah,time to turn the sound down. The media that cover the NFL love Donovan for some reason. I don't think it's because of race. I don't think it's because of anything he's done on the field. Maybe it's because he reminds them of Will Smith. I have no idea. But for him to claim he's being treated unfairly is ludicrous.