09-09-2007, 04:10 PM
Cooley needs to do something and is loyd even playing?
I think we came to a consensus earlier that we think Lloyd got moved to #3 and ARE up to #2.
09-09-2007, 04:13 PM
I think we came to a consensus earlier that we think Lloyd got moved to #3 and ARE up to #2.
speaking of #2's and 3#'s, is Montgomery starting over Golston or were the anouncers going by the redskins.com depth chart (which I'm not sure is up to date).
09-09-2007, 04:14 PM
Good way to end the 3rd
not a good way to start!
09-09-2007, 04:16 PM
Oh well. It was nice while it lasted. Defense time again.
Lloyd Is Worthless, Thrash Could Have Caught That
09-09-2007, 04:16 PM
Lloyd needs to work harder - looked like he didn't even try on that INT play.
09-09-2007, 04:17 PM
That wasn't Lloyd, that was Moss.
09-09-2007, 04:17 PM
Has anyone picked up Gabriel yet? I say we dump Lloyd today! He's done jack.
09-09-2007, 04:17 PM
Hold 'em D, we can get good field position