I should have known this wasn't a gentleman's blog when you are labeled camp scrub by someone who doesn't know you or football as a matter of fact.
Hey camp scrub can I get you a tissue, or maybe a diaper?
09-06-2007, 11:00 PM
I would really like to state my opinion, but there are just so many experts on here...there just isn't enough room for people with contrary opinions. Am I too sensitive or am I actually not in a blog where every Redskin Fan can express his opinion without ridicule or scorn. You know you guys like Smoot are soo good...you should make a living at it. I'll try to find a blog where maybe my opinion won't be so distorted or twisted then closed before I have a chance to defend myself. Sorry I wasn't a memeber of the Gibbs coaching staff like I am sure you are for being so in the know.
Redskins 13 Dolphins 6
What the hell are you talking about?
09-06-2007, 11:10 PM
There sure is a lot of overconfidence here on the upcoming Dolphins game. The Bears overlooked us last year and we embarrassed them ... with Harrington as our quarterback.
We aren't over looking you. We just KNOW who's gonna WIN!
By the way you aren't playing the bears this week, so who cares....!
09-06-2007, 11:16 PM
I should have known this wasn't a gentleman's blog when you are labeled camp scrub by someone who doesn't know you or football as a matter of fact.
Not a gentlemens blog.......? What the F*CK... grow up! :doh:
09-06-2007, 11:52 PM
73 - 0 skins
a man can dream...
09-07-2007, 12:14 AM
I should have known this wasn't a gentleman's blog when you are labeled camp scrub by someone who doesn't know you or football as a matter of fact.
Gentlemen's blog. That's great. Are you a southern Colonel with a long white overcoat or something?
09-07-2007, 12:20 AM
Gentlemen's blog. That's great. Are you a southern Colonel with a long white overcoat or something?
Looks like 44dive is taking a header... (lol)
09-07-2007, 12:30 AM
Talking smack? What filth is this? And here I thought the internet was only for gentlemen such as myself. Camp scrub? I most surely am not, I am one of the most intelligent members of society today. I say good day to you sirs, as I will be leaving post haste.
Personally, I think this will be a defensive battle, with a score somewhere along the lines of 13-10. Either team could end up winning, so I'm not gonna pick which side scores which. And for all of you Dolphin fans thinking we're gonna look the same on defense as we did last year, you've got something coming.
09-07-2007, 12:47 AM
44dive......you're very sensitive and riggo hates you for it.