08-31-2007, 03:27 AM
Hi (sorry if this is the wrong forum but) ,
Anyone interested in taking part in an free ESPN pick’em fantasy league which tries to answer the question ….do you have to live in the shadow of FedEX field to know football?
What I am talking about here is national pride fans from the US Vs the rest of the world who knows football better? Who can put together the best fantasy team ?
So far we have a geographically challenged diehard Redskins fan, a cowboys fan who is a girl (no surprise there) and a Giants fan who still thinks Phil Simms is playing so it cannot be said the competition is fierce …yet ….but if you are interested in joining PM me and I will add you … no limits on number of players the more the merrier ….
Anyone interested in taking part in an free ESPN pick’em fantasy league which tries to answer the question ….do you have to live in the shadow of FedEX field to know football?
What I am talking about here is national pride fans from the US Vs the rest of the world who knows football better? Who can put together the best fantasy team ?
So far we have a geographically challenged diehard Redskins fan, a cowboys fan who is a girl (no surprise there) and a Giants fan who still thinks Phil Simms is playing so it cannot be said the competition is fierce …yet ….but if you are interested in joining PM me and I will add you … no limits on number of players the more the merrier ….