Riggo44 08-27-2007, 02:40 PM As far as DMX, I can't imagine why anyone would think he's been involved in dogfighting...
http://i137.photobucket.com/albums/q226/Southpaw78/dmxgrandhcampcov1th.jpg http://i137.photobucket.com/albums/q226/Southpaw78/dmx_year_again.jpg[/QUOTE]
Lol. There's just no way DMX could of had anything to do with something like that!
memphisskin 08-27-2007, 03:02 PM Thanks Southpaw. If the Feds really needed Vick to go after DMX, who if memory serves also had some malnourished pups turn up in NY, then I'm afraid for our prosecutors. Lets see, DMX not only has Grand Champ as an album title, not only barks on his songs, but has featured pitbulls barking at the camera in multiple videos, maybe he is involved in dogfighting somehow. What gave it away?
Paintrain 08-27-2007, 03:11 PM Thanks Southpaw. If the Feds really needed Vick to go after DMX, who if memory serves also had some malnourished pups turn up in NY, then I'm afraid for our prosecutors. Lets see, DMX not only has Grand Champ as an album title, not only barks on his songs, but has featured pitbulls barking at the camera in multiple videos, maybe he is involved in dogfighting somehow. What gave it away?
Maybe he has a dog breeding business.. Oh, wait..
htownskinfan 08-27-2007, 03:27 PM this is just something to discuss,I myself dont think its stupid,just something I wondered,besides ,how many of you would be taking up for portis if he wasnt a redskin,lets say he played for the cowboys
artmonkforhallofamein07 08-27-2007, 03:42 PM Have you ever lived in Salem, MA. and chased witches? Seriously.
Dude that is classic. And to the starter of thsi post why would you even ask this question? After all the negetaive press this has gotten the Falcons do you really want to hear Portis implicated here. I think the mods should close this thread. There is no bases to talk about this, it is purely speculation based of some dumb asss comments made by our RB.
Beemnseven 08-27-2007, 03:42 PM I don't think it's stupid either. Vick is set to rat out everyone he knows associated with dog fighting according to the terms of this plea agreement.
Is it beyond the realm of possibility that he knows of other NFL players involved in dog fighting?
Now, it may turn out to be that Portis is in no way involved in anything of the sort -- but why is it outrageous to suggest that Vick may know of another NFL players that could be involved?
I'll bet Falcon fans never in a million years could have envisioned this with their star player.
artmonkforhallofamein07 08-27-2007, 03:43 PM this is just something to discuss,I myself dont think its stupid,just something I wondered,besides ,how many of you would be taking up for portis if he wasnt a redskin,lets say he played for the cowboys
If he played for the Cowboys this wouldn't be a thread on our board, and of course we wouldn't like him. Just lilke we don't like any cowboy player.
SmootSmack 08-27-2007, 03:45 PM Fair question for a thread htown. My gut says, if anything, Vick will rat out names not in the NFL. All Vick wants is to get back in the NFL, if he starts diming out fellow union members I doubt they'll have his back when it's time to plea for reinstatement.
artmonkforhallofamein07 08-27-2007, 03:46 PM I do agree that there may be other NFL players invovled but I really wouldn't put our guy in there because of his comments.
Hell Roy jones Jr. is heavliy involved in Cock fighting. He may be involved in Dog fighting to.
mooby 08-27-2007, 03:49 PM I wonder whether Portis has in fact been to dogfights and all, but I highly doubt he's a player in that business. It was a good question to ask though htown.