08-19-2007, 01:07 AM
I know I am good now except for the fact that I punched a hole through the wall and punched my mirror and cut my knuckles.
Please don't take preseason that serious. Yes, we all want to win every game we see, whether if it is preseason or if it's the playoffs. But, you gotta understand that a lot of us are looking at the fine details in these games and not the overall outcome of the game. That is why I feel a lot better about this week's game even though we lost, as compared to last week's game.
08-19-2007, 01:08 AM
GT, are you really 18...or 19?19...and a half.
Pocket$ $traight
08-19-2007, 01:09 AM
19...and a half.
That explains a lot.
08-19-2007, 01:10 AM
19...and a half.
LOL!!!! Notice when we get into our 30's there nor more "....and a half!" We hold on to 29 for at least 3 or 4 years.....;)
08-19-2007, 01:11 AM
You are so blind it is pathetic. Keep drinking the kool aid dipshit.Remember...I'm NOT the one who suggested that Gibbs values Brunell because of religious reasons. I am the one who has proved ad nauseum that Brunell had an above average 2006 season.
I don't think people will take you seriously, but just in case, I'm calling you out on your crackpot theory.
08-19-2007, 01:11 AM
I think I've had enough of the Brunell bashing for one evening.
So I'll leave you with this, Brunell is a good 2nd stringer, and he is our best option at #2...we have nothing else, nor will we find anyone else to do a better job. So we all need to shut our pie holes about Brunell and get behind him. We may need him to win us a game or two this season.
08-19-2007, 01:12 AM
And the truth comes out. There is no proof that Mark Brunell has been demoted to 3rd string. Until Coach Gibbs says otherwise, thanks for proving my point.
Well right now on Sportsnite they said that they will be talking to "Jason Campbell's backup Todd Collins." Maybe you should tune in.
08-19-2007, 01:14 AM
For all the Brunell haters, settle down. Time for you all to realize he is going to be on this team. Not one single thing did he do tonight that was in any way poor. His passes looked sharp and he looked solid. Albeit against shady comp but then again all the bad stuff that actually DID LOSE the game was by people who have zero chance of making the team. Collins did look good but if you think one good outing(his only ever for the Skins) is enough to annoit him anything then you clearly have very little insight into how this team works.
As for anyone who is simply upset that we lost. You're dumb. Seriously. It was a pre-season game. It means nothing. And it means nothing NOW. They way we lost? We lost because scrubs fumbled and dropped passes. Why we lost has not even one semblence of meaning towards this team.
How about using this game for what it is supposed to be used for. Simple evaluation.
From an evaluation stand point it is the most energenic we've looked in two preseasons. That is good in every way.
Too many nicks and bruises for sure but at some point Gibbs and Comp are going to realize that this actually is the game of football and people get hurt. Deal. The tougher camp seems to be getting them more prepared and much harder than last year. I would ratchet it even more. Obviously this group needs a kick in the ass. It is working. Anyone else want to actually evaluate the game and not crap on Brunell for no good reason?
08-19-2007, 01:16 AM
Cut Brunell. Who will the 4th and 5th receiver be
08-19-2007, 01:16 AM
Has anyone considered the possiblilty that Saunders is calling plays that will work when his guy Collins is in the game and calling the aforementioned wide receiver screen and plays like it when Brunell is in? Just a thought. What church does Saunders go to?
*Sarcasm in Blue