tryfuhl 07-04-2010, 09:07 PM I've always thought that Gibbs reputation as a ball control specialist was hugely overstated.
In his first stint the running game finished in the top 5 in the league on just 3 occasions whereas the passing game made the top 5 on 5 occasions.
My view is that he went with what worked, whatever that was.
Well you don't necessarily need to finish top 5 in the running game as total yards or even YPC is only part of ball control. The chains kept moving and the clock kept ticking.. that's ball control.
billmountjoy 07-05-2010, 01:16 AM is that how you found this?
welcome to the board man
No! I have known Dan Henning & Don Breaux personally since the early 1960's (I coached High School & College ball, & was welcomed to Redskins Training Camps by them, going back to 1981). Through THEM - I met Joe Gibbs, Joe Bugel, Rennie Simmons, Jack Burns, Jim Hanifan, etc. (at Redskins Park). I ran their offense 100%. I still stay in touch with Breaux & Hanifan (via phone).
What I posted on the staff was from MY memory.
skinsfan69 07-05-2010, 11:09 AM I think the whole coaching tree thing is really over rated. Gibbs' guys really didn't have good head coaching careers but a lot of them were damn good coaches. I mean Buges went to Arizona and Oakland. Not the best places in the NFL to win. So much of it depends on the owner and the people who hire you.
No! I have known Dan Henning & Don Breaux personally since the early 1960's (I coached High School & College ball, & was welcomed to Redskins Training Camps by them, going back to 1981). Through THEM - I met Joe Gibbs, Joe Bugel, Rennie Simmons, Jack Burns, Jim Hanifan (at Redskins Park). I ran their offense 100% I still stay in touch with Breaux & Hanifan (via phone).
What I posted on the staff was from MY memory.
Welcome! Looking forward to more of your insight in the future.
billmountjoy 07-05-2010, 12:50 PM Thank you very much!
Paintrain 07-05-2010, 02:07 PM Well, Richie Petitbone I suppose.
But his "coaching tree" as it were I think is more so comprised of former players who have gone to serve as head coaches or coordinators. I'm talking about guys like Ken Whisenhunt, Russ Grimm, Mike Tice, Greg Manusky. And then you have position coaches like Vernon Dean and Ernest Byner.
I used to think that was the biggest knock on his legacy, that he doesn't have a strong coaching tree a la Bill Walsh. But last week, while reflecting upon Walsh's death, I thought maybe the fact that he doesn't have that strong tree is Gibbs's strength. His ability to adapt so well to the structure of his team-3 wide aerial attack or heavy jumbo, scrambling 6 ft. QB or statuesque 6'3" guy with a rocket arm, and so on-are hard to duplicate and a testament to his success as a coach.
Is this a common offseason pursuit SS? 'Hmm, that Bill Walsh, he sure is dead.' Sorry dude, that sentence just struck me funny. Now back to your regularly scheduled chatting.
SmootSmack 07-05-2010, 07:17 PM Is this a common offseason pursuit SS? 'Hmm, that Bill Walsh, he sure is dead.' Sorry dude, that sentence just struck me funny. Now back to your regularly scheduled chatting.
LOL. Well considering he died just a few days before I posted that, it doesn't seem so odd now does it? :)
tryfuhl 07-06-2010, 12:05 AM No! I have known Dan Henning & Don Breaux personally since the early 1960's (I coached High School & College ball, & was welcomed to Redskins Training Camps by them, going back to 1981). Through THEM - I met Joe Gibbs, Joe Bugel, Rennie Simmons, Jack Burns, Jim Hanifan, etc. (at Redskins Park). I ran their offense 100%. I still stay in touch with Breaux & Hanifan (via phone).
What I posted on the staff was from MY memory.
no I meant found this discussion which hadn't really been active lately.. I figured that you had found the board and this discussion from a somewhat related search
you certainly seem to know your stuff, wasn't trying to imply that you were just copy/pasting stuff
billmountjoy 07-06-2010, 12:15 PM I've been a member of "Warpath" before - just had not been on the site in awhile.
skinsfan_nn 07-06-2010, 01:23 PM I've been a member of "Warpath" before - just had not been on the site in awhile.
If you where a member of the "Warpath" before why did you not come back as your old user? It shows your join date as July/2010 as in new to the site.
What was your prior user name?