08-07-2007, 02:09 PM
I read this book last year (I bought it off Ebay as well) - it was a pretty interesting book. Talked a lot about his trouble with drugs and fitting in with his teammates, it was a very good read for redskin fans.
Thats good to hear, I cant wait to get it.
08-07-2007, 02:37 PM
Yeah thats true, the book has some content describing his struggles with illiteracy from what i understand.
Dex never learned to read until he was near the end with him time with the Skins. He went to the Lab School (in Northwest DC) and learned to read. I remember a lot being made of this in the DC media. He got through college on oral exams and take home tests he got his girlfriend to do for him.
08-07-2007, 03:31 PM
I remember the constant ribbing I would take being a Redskin fan because of Manley's inability to read. I did not know he had a book, sounds like a good read, maybe some positivity and good thoughts.
08-07-2007, 05:35 PM
Love Dexter.....was the first player I remember watching when I was little. I even dressed up as him for halloween when I was 6 w/ my uncle's jersey and authentic skins helmet. The book is pretty interesting, it's amazing how OK State treats or at least treated star athletes so they could see the field. I never finished the book but check out the copy of his report card- some interesting classes.