skinsfan69 07-27-2007, 10:07 AM I saw ESPN this am and I was shocked. People are hooting and hollering at Vick when he showed up at court, holding up all these silly ass signs, people are dressed up in dog suits, people are basically in an uproar.
We are talking about dog fighting for crying out loud!!!! Not murder or rape. Kobe Bryant was accused of a worse crime than dog fighting and he was still allowed to play until the process played out. I am a dog owner and I can't believe that people have so much anger towards the guy. Dog fighting is a discusting thing but jeez, so far they are just allegations.
I honestly think some of this is racial. If this was Brett Farve I don't think you would have so much anger from white people. I could be wrong, but I honestly think that becasue Vick is black, and he has let some of his thug homeboys leach on to him is the reason there is so much backlash.
With the crap that is going on in the world today people really need to find something better to do with their time than protest against Michael Vick. Let the process play out in the courts and mind your own damn business.
firstdown 07-27-2007, 01:20 PM I saw ESPN this am and I was shocked. People are hooting and hollering at Vick when he showed up at court, holding up all these silly ass signs, people are dressed up in dog suits, people are basically in an uproar.
We are talking about dog fighting for crying out loud!!!! Not murder or rape. Kobe Bryant was accused of a worse crime than dog fighting and he was still allowed to play until the process played out. I am a dog owner and I can't believe that people have so much anger towards the guy. Dog fighting is a discusting thing but jeez, so far they are just allegations.
I honestly think some of this is racial. If this was Brett Farve I don't think you would have so much anger from white people. I could be wrong, but I honestly think that becasue Vick is black, and he has let some of his thug homeboys leach on to him is the reason there is so much backlash.
With the crap that is going on in the world today people really need to find something better to do with their time than protest against Michael Vick. Let the process play out in the courts and mind your own damn business.
Come on, why is this racial and Kobe Bryant was not. You saw the activest from PETA (people For The Ethical Treatment For Animals) they protest anywhere where there is said to be mistreatment of animals. They protest the Circus every year when it comes to town. If this was Farve he would be getting the same treatment and you left off that there where more people there cheering for Vick than against. Not sure how you cheer on a guy that is accused of these crimes not knowning if it is true or not. They also have done back ground checking and Vick has purchased around 10 guns which they have no idea where they are and I heard that another state is now investigating if Vick was involved in dog fighting in their state. I will not say if he is guilty or not but with the evidence that he is up against does not look to good and the Feds. have left the window open to press even more charges against him.
TheMalcolmConnection 07-27-2007, 02:21 PM People are most definitely crying race, but the reason a lot of people don't like Vick is because he is an asshole and a piece of shit.
Did anyone NOT see the clip of him saying, "I can do anything I want and people will still love Mike Vick."
Sheriff Gonna Getcha 07-28-2007, 12:00 PM I saw ESPN this am and I was shocked. People are hooting and hollering at Vick when he showed up at court, holding up all these silly ass signs, people are dressed up in dog suits, people are basically in an uproar.
We are talking about dog fighting for crying out loud!!!! Not murder or rape. Kobe Bryant was accused of a worse crime than dog fighting and he was still allowed to play until the process played out. I am a dog owner and I can't believe that people have so much anger towards the guy. Dog fighting is a discusting thing but jeez, so far they are just allegations.
I honestly think some of this is racial. If this was Brett Farve I don't think you would have so much anger from white people. I could be wrong, but I honestly think that becasue Vick is black, and he has let some of his thug homeboys leach on to him is the reason there is so much backlash.
With the crap that is going on in the world today people really need to find something better to do with their time than protest against Michael Vick. Let the process play out in the courts and mind your own damn business.
I think that race plays a limited role in this Vick fiasco. A minority of white people want to see Vick go down simply because he is black and famous and regardless of whether he is innocent. A minority of black people want to see Vick go scott free simply because he is black and regardless of whether he is guilty. The vast majority of us, however, want to see him go down if he is guilty because dog-fighting is just disgusting.
As for the protests, I think you underestimate PETA and the public's love of animals. It's not just that he ran a dog-fighting ring, it's that he shot, electrocuted, and beat to death those dogs that were too nice to fight. In my opinion it is pathetic and he deserves what he has coming to him if he is guilty.
skinsfan69 07-28-2007, 01:44 PM I think that race plays a limited role in this Vick fiasco. A minority of white people want to see Vick go down simply because he is black and famous and regardless of whether he is innocent. A minority of black people want to see Vick go scott free simply because he is black and regardless of whether he is guilty. The vast majority of us, however, want to see him go down if he is guilty because dog-fighting is just disgusting.
As for the protests, I think you underestimate PETA and the public's love of animals. It's not just that he ran a dog-fighting ring, it's that he shot, electrocuted, and beat to death those dogs that were too nice to fight. In my opinion it is pathetic and he deserves what he has coming to him if he is guilty.
I am a dog lover/owner and I am black. But the media circus is just ridcules. Does anyone know if Vick actually killed theses dogs himself? It's like everyone wants to convict the guy before he goes to trial. The allegations are most likely coming from his hoodrat homeboys who are trying to save their own asses. So far the only thing he is guilty of is hanging on to these low life thugs.
But I do agree with you, if he is guilty of this and particularly if he was betting of dog fights then he needs to go down.
skinsfan69 07-28-2007, 01:49 PM Come on, why is this racial and Kobe Bryant was not. You saw the activest from PETA (people For The Ethical Treatment For Animals) they protest anywhere where there is said to be mistreatment of animals. They protest the Circus every year when it comes to town. If this was Farve he would be getting the same treatment and you left off that there where more people there cheering for Vick than against. Not sure how you cheer on a guy that is accused of these crimes not knowning if it is true or not. They also have done back ground checking and Vick has purchased around 10 guns which they have no idea where they are and I heard that another state is now investigating if Vick was involved in dog fighting in their state. I will not say if he is guilty or not but with the evidence that he is up against does not look to good and the Feds. have left the window open to press even more charges against him.
Personally, I think Vick has a little bit of thug in him. He knew what was going on in his house. But how big his role was needs to play out in the courts. My point was you have all these people at the Falcons practice facility protesting. For what??? Vick isn't even there so why are they there??? If they want to protest go to Richmond or find somthing better to do. It makes no damn sense. People need to just chill out.
Sheriff Gonna Getcha 07-30-2007, 03:19 AM It's like everyone wants to convict the guy before he goes to trial. The allegations are most likely coming from his hoodrat homeboys who are trying to save their own asses. So far the only thing he is guilty of is hanging on to these low life thugs.
He will get his day in court. But, I do not need a jury to find beyond a reasonable doubt that the guy is a loser. I often hear stories from second-hand sources about some jerk doing something dumb and I conclude "that guy is a loser," all without the benefit of a trial by jury. Think about how many times you have reached conclusions about a politician, celebrity, neighbor, co-worker, etc. all based on second-hand reports/stories. I find no reason to treat Vick differenty.
As for the evidence arrayed against him, I would bet my paycheck that there is more to the prosecution's case than a few snitches. As some have already noted, they will likely have a pile of evidence consisting of, for example, financial records showing payments for dog-fighting paraphernalia, airline tickets or gas station receipts showing that Vick was at his residence on X dates and undoubtedly saw the dog-fighting facilities, phone records showing calls between Vick and other dog-fighting ringleaders, etc.
jsarno 07-30-2007, 03:25 AM But I do agree with you, if he is guilty of this and particularly if he was betting of dog fights then he needs to go down.
Well, I am all for trial by jury, but I would bet my house that he's guilty, the evidence is too overwhelming.
So give it time, he will be convicted.
KLHJ2 07-30-2007, 03:46 AM So uh, who is going to sign Vick in 2013? Any thoughts?
jsarno 07-30-2007, 03:58 AM So uh, who is going to sign Vick in 2013? Any thoughts?
Well, he'll only be 33 then. Someone might do it. especially considering that he'll have state of the art work out equipment in prison.
Sad thing is, he wasn't really even a "good" qb, but this happening will make others say "he was struck down in his prime, imagine what he could have done".