hagams 06-19-2007, 07:02 AM I think the reason we don't get in as much trouble is because the respect the players have for Gibbs. He's not one of those "in your face coaches", and gets along with all the players. The players wouldn't feel like they were in trouble, they would feel like they let him down. In my opinion thats worse.
Oakland Red 06-19-2007, 03:10 PM I think we have players who have been chosen because in part they are good hearted, and that fits with Joe Gibbs, who has a very big heart. The Redskins aren't just looking for players with athletic skills, but players who will be best able to handle adversity, keep their intensity, and play very well together as a team.
Last year things didn't work according to plan, but the situation was complicated. I think we will bounce back, big time, this year.
I'm very impressed with what is being written about the defense for one thing. Gregg Williams is changing and adapting his style and putting more of the emphasis on the players making plays, rather than emphasizing his scheme as much. To me, Williams deserves much praise for making a course correction, and the players deserve much praise for staying together after a difficult period last season, and bringing a lot of enthusiasm to the new season.
Coach Gibbs deserves much praise for changing course with the offseason workout rules, and letting players work out on their own. Many didn't, but they all genuinely had that choice, and that makes all the difference. Doing something because you have to tends to drain anyone of enthusiasm. Doing something out of choice is much more motivating.
I can see all those pre-Super Bowl stories now about how the Redskins changed and what led to our Super Bowl (winning) season.
diehardskin2982 06-19-2007, 04:38 PM colts have us beat
We can credit Gibbs for being very careful to draft only the highest quality of character guys, but in today's NFL, how rare is it to go 2+ years without a player getting in trouble with the law (Since ST's run in)?
We may be the model citizens of the NFL.
Just some food for thought as the work week begins.
Skins are only a year removed from a player having to plead out of a felony firearm charge, and barely a month removed from a different player supporting a person's right to run a dog fighting ring. 1.5 years ago, we had a player spitting in the face of an opponent during a playoff game, and last year the skins enjoyed a media frenzy about an anonymous player badmouthing the coaching staff. From a relative standpoint, these issues are not really a big deal (unfortunately), but enough to strip the redskins of any claim to the title of "NFL's Classiest Team"!!
chantilly101 06-24-2007, 03:10 PM Lets at least make it to the playoffs for a few years straight. I know we can do it. But we have almost no offense. There are a lot of teams that have us beat for that title. But why do we need to be the classiest team. were doing fine the way we are right now.
GusFrerotte 06-24-2007, 05:42 PM Yeah, it is nice the Skins have been pretty much free from off the field distractions, but with ST's thing last year and now Portis saying politically incorrect things about dogfighting, we can't say we have a squeaky clean image. The Cowboys and Eagles can probably have the same argument for them being the classiest. You don't hear squat about the Patriots either, with the exception Brady had a kid with MS. Moniyghan. The Gmen are pretty quiet also. Only Giant to come close making a splash is Shockey filling the single playboy role. We are up there in the top 10-15 probably, but not #1.
GusFrerotte 06-24-2007, 06:34 PM Skins are only a year removed from a player having to plead out of a felony firearm charge, and barely a month removed from a different player supporting a person's right to run a dog fighting ring. 1.5 years ago, we had a player spitting in the face of an opponent during a playoff game, and last year the skins enjoyed a media frenzy about an anonymous player badmouthing the coaching staff. From a relative standpoint, these issues are not really a big deal (unfortunately), but enough to strip the redskins of any claim to the title of "NFL's Classiest Team"!!
Exactly my sentiments.
GusFrerotte 06-24-2007, 06:45 PM For all the ire that the Redskins draw from the mainstream media, I found myself mulling over this concept following Nick Barnett's arrest (http://www.packersnews.com/apps/pbcs.dll/article?AID=/20070617/GPG020801/70617023/1989).
We can credit Gibbs for being very careful to draft only the highest quality of character guys, but in today's NFL, how rare is it to go 2+ years without a player getting in trouble with the law (Since ST's run in)?
We may be the model citizens of the NFL.
Just some food for thought as the work week begins.
There is a good chance we might not be in the top 10 GTripp with regards to being model citizens. It is unavoidable that a lot of teams will face player indescretions with the law as a disproportional amount of these guys are thugs in the first place. The system in place starting with college recruiting does not put much emphasis on integrity, as it does on how fast a 40 you do or if you have some good hands, etc. The NFL would like you to believe it puts a lot of emphasis on it, but don't let em fool you. Ray Lewis was allowed back with no problem, with the least of his offences was obstructing justice, with all likihood he might have capped that guy himself. Vick is going to beat the charges as there is no solid evidence he was personally involved with the dogfighting, all heresay evidence from shady witnesses. Yeah they act like it matters, but the bottom line is alway the $$$$$$$$$$$ signs.
4mrusmc 06-24-2007, 07:33 PM Yeah, I like a class act off the field, but mean sons-off bitches on the field. Like my old coach would say, "respect all and fear none".
Giantone 06-28-2007, 08:57 PM With due respect I'm just answering the question..........no .I don't believe one is classer than another.