07-05-2007, 03:17 PM
Who in the hell is Shane Suisham?
Did Shane Matthews and Shaun Suisham have a baby together? ;)
Um...exactly! See that's why he's such a sleeper. Even the Redskins don't know about him
So I see that you can access the site from work again, or can you?
07-05-2007, 03:17 PM
I'm going for Cooley. This is more than just a homer pick with a young QB the TE is bound to get a lot of touches.
07-05-2007, 03:31 PM
Um...exactly! See that's why he's such a sleeper. Even the Redskins don't know about him
So I see that you can access the site from work again, or can you?
I can, but I have limited access. I only have 60 minutes each day to view "sports" related websites. My job sucks.
07-05-2007, 03:32 PM
Staying on topic, my pick would be Cooley or Randle El. I think ARE will take at least 2 punts back for a TD this year and his numbers at receiver should be better than last year.
Moss could be under the radar a bit this year, he's definitely worth keeping an eye on.
I would definitely take a gamble on Campbell as a backup.
07-05-2007, 07:20 PM
Campbell would be my second choice for a backup QB. Prognosticators aren't saying bad things about him, but aren't in the mindset that he will improve all that much. I am thinking he will be available via FA at least through week 3 then you will get a feel for him. Of course my league is all Skins fans so that probably won't happen. Just not sure I want him as my backup. I did that year and his numbers were lackluster. Randle El would be a stretch. If any of the WR's will see much improvement it will be Lloyd I think. OF course Moss is the man so taking him would be a good option. I normally am a homer on FF and take a ton of skins, but it only worked in 1999 when I had Davis Johnson, Westbrook, Connell, Alexander, and the Skins D. I went 7-0 til I lost my first game. 2007 might be the same since we are under the radar, but we will see by game 3-4 if we are any good. I am itching to take Llyod and the Skins D, but going to hold off.
07-06-2007, 12:20 AM
Portis could get a look from me too.
07-23-2007, 12:13 AM
When I draft the only Skins I will be looking at are Randle El, Cooley, Moss, and Jason. Jason I think for all the receiving talent he has it will be hard for him to be bad. Randle El because he can do everything and punt and kick return touchdowns are worth some serious points in my league. Moss is a huge play receiver who can really rack up the yards/touchdowns, and Cooley is just really solid.
SC Skins Fan
07-23-2007, 09:11 AM
Jason Campbell in Round 13.
07-23-2007, 09:27 AM
I make it a rule to not have any members of the team I root for on my fantasy squad. That said I think Campbell could be a huge sleeper. Watch out for Betts cause Portis is hurt and may not start the season. Cooley is in a contract year (we hope he gets signed before the season, but hey...) and should have a good year. But the guy nobody has mentioned and oculd be good is Randle El.
I do the same, and that's pretty much the reason I stopped playing fantasy football. I got sick of not being able to enjoy a good game because they weren't throwing to my guy enough.