Beer is Food
04-13-2007, 05:09 PM
I hope you don't think I was picking on you. I'm always happy to talk football with Redskinettes. So please don't take offense.
Kind Regards,
Beer is Food
AKA: the guy with a size 12 Boot, tripple E, ... I don't even need flippers when I go snorkelling
04-14-2007, 08:13 PM
It's because I'm a woman among men... you all pick on me because I know more about football than some (I said some) of you!! :)
04-15-2007, 07:29 PM
It's because I'm a woman among men... you all pick on me because I know more about football than some (I said some) of you!! :)
psh you better have said "some" woman...
04-15-2007, 07:30 PM
zOMG i was JK LOLZ !!!!11
04-18-2007, 05:34 PM
I think size up fron will help the defense. We spent a lot of money to go out and pick up London Fletcher so adding a big body up front will give us a better return on investment. Fletcher himself is small and if the d line is overpowered, fletcher will have no chance. I think fletcher is a great player and will be maximized if big bodies are in front of him. If we get Adams we also have a preety small DE on the other side with Carter. IF we draft Adams we might only be able to play Adams and Carter together on passing downs. A big body makes the most sense. I like Okoybi but Branch might just be what this defense needs.