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irish 03-28-2007, 03:20 PM I'm certainly on board with your way of thinking, and it is that reasoning that makes one wonder if this team will ever get a grip on just what direction it want's to go. Sometimes it apears as if our intention is to court every player of value either in, or coming into the league. And yes!!! I would agree that any atempt to do anything with Lloyd that didn't meet with his aproval would only serve to further deflate his oversized ego.
This team will do and draft what they believe will provide the best marketing opportunity. If it happens to work out football-wise all the better, if not at least they made a big splash in the media during the offseason.
SmootSmack 03-28-2007, 03:21 PM I heard that they are considering trading up to take a salad in round 1, a sirloin in round 2, and perhaps a late round Irish coffee.
Meanwhile, Dan Snyder is baffled by all this saying "I just bought a freaking restaurant chain!"
Sheriff Gonna Getcha 03-28-2007, 03:24 PM I think the most important tidbit from the article, is that the Redskins are considering a lot of different trades, but the Briggs trade is the only one that has been widely reported. That makes sense - teams will explore their options before deciding which option is the best. It just so happens that only some of the options make the news - making fans think that a proposed trade designed to feel out a team's options are the in fact finalized negotiations.
The rumors make the offseason interesting.
Schneed10 03-28-2007, 03:24 PM I officially think the Skins FO is having a good ole time this off season making everyone poop their pants. We have in the span of several weeks.
-Turned down an offer to trade our 6 for like the broncos entire draft board and Al Wilson
-"Almost" consumated a similar deal with Bly instead.
-Have worked feverishly to trade down and get more picks
-Worked to trade up to get CJ
-Redecided to trade down and get Briggs and Chi's 1st
-Redecided to trade up and get CJ.
Without a doubt no one has any clue what the hell we are doing and at this point it has to be by design.
Good post. The team clearly doesn't want anyone to have a clear idea what we're going to do on draft day.
I'm sure they have formulated a draft plan and have picked out players they are targeting at this point. But they don't want anyone figuring anything out.
Longtimefan 03-28-2007, 03:28 PM This team will do and draft what they believe will provide the best marketing opportunity. If it happens to work out football-wise all the better, if not at least they made a big splash in the media during the offseason.
That's the unholy truth associated with having a marketing executive for an owner. Instant dollar signs have a tendency to cloud his longterm view.
SmootSmack 03-28-2007, 03:35 PM For the life of me I just don't understand why people are so against this. HE IS THE BEST PLAYER IN THE DRAFT. I get so tired of people saying we don't need wr's. DID ANYONE WATCH ANY GAMES LAST YEAR????????????? Outside of Santana which WR on our roster has done anything?
When you go 5-11 there is PLENTY of blame to go around. Not just on defense but on offense too. We hopefully solved the problem at QB, LB and DB's. Yes we need DE, DT but do any of you think that maybe alot of the players that are on the board are not that good?
I'll use this comparison one more time. Texans drafted for need and took Mario freaking Williams who didn't do shit. I bet if the Texans had a chance to do it all over again they would take Bush cause he was the best player on in the 06 draft.
We drafted for need a few years ago when Smoot left and took Carlos R. How in the hell did our scouting dept. grade Carlos higher than Merriman or D. Ware?
Calvin J. is simply put a freak. He's going to make any offense better the minute he walks on the field. He's going to do things that will NEVER EVER show up in the stat sheet. Can any of you imagine the PI's this guy will draw? Plus defenses are going to have to slide coverages to his side of the field which could open up all kinds of room for Santana and Cooley. Plus saftey's will never come near the LOS like they did last year when Brunell was QB. Opens up the running game so that helps Portis and Betts.
I hope we package Lloyd and move up and take this guy!!!!!!!
Here's the problem I have with this. We just spend big bucks and picks last year to get Randle-El and Lloyd; two relatively young receivers who have shown they can play in this league. Furthermore, we have Moss and Cooley (who I'll count as a WR for these purposes).
Granted, neither Lloyd nor El put up stellar numbers but a.) we were dealing with a new offense that everyone admits takes a year to learn and b.) Jason Campbell was for all intents and purposes a rookie when he played in the back half of the season.
CJ is great, no question about that. But why do we want to just give up on our current receivers-especially two guys we just spent big on just last year-after only one season in a new offense with a young quarterback. Why not let them grow together?
If you want to tear that unit up then fine, but it's hard to listen then when you turn right around and talk about how we have no patience as a front office, and we need to develop our players and so forth. (and when I say "you" I'm addressing the universal "you")
MonkFan4Life 03-28-2007, 03:38 PM Meanwhile, Dan Snyder is baffled by all this saying "I just bought a freaking restaurant chain!"
Okay now I'll get back to the joke but seriously. Seeing as though The Danny bought Johnny Rockets are they going to have Johnny Rockets at FedEx. I mean PLEASE the FOOD THERE SUCKS !!!!!!
----------------------------------Joke Time Now-----------------------
Sheriff Gonna Getcha 03-28-2007, 03:38 PM Agreed SS. No one is saying that CJ isn't going to be a great player. I think we'd all love to have him, but not at the expense of the defense (which is clearly the less talented and weaker unit). I suppose if you want something sexy, go pick CJ, but there's a point of diminishing returns - we have enough guys on offense.
Call me crazy, but I'd like to improve upon the 31st ranked defense.
Sheriff Gonna Getcha 03-28-2007, 03:39 PM SNYDER JUST BOUGHT JOHNNY ROCKETS WHY IS HE GOING TO MOVE UP TO TAKE A SALAD ????? DAMNIT VINNY C, We need a GM to stand up to Snyder !!!!
I heard that if Snyder goes after the salad in round 1, Vinny will toss it for him.
Gmanc711 03-28-2007, 03:40 PM 1990 Jeff George, qb Illinois Indianapolis 13 0
1991 Russell Maryland, dt Miami, (Fla.) Dallas 10 1
1992 Steve Emtman, dt Washington Indianapolis 8 0
1993 Drew Bledsoe, qb Washington State New England 14 4
1994 Dan Wilkinson, dt Ohio State Cincinnati 13 0
1995 Ki-Jana Carter, rb Penn State Cincinnati 8 0
1996 Keyshawn Johnson, wr Southern Cal. N.Y. Jets 11 4
1997 Orlando Pace, ot Ohio State St. Louis Rams 10 7
1998 Peyton Manning, qb Tennessee Indianapolis 9 7
1999 Tim Couch, qb Kentucky Cleveland 6 0
2000 Courtney Brown, de Penn State Cleveland 7 0
2001 Michael Vick, qb Virginia Tech Atlanta 6 3
2002 David Carr, qb Fresno State Houston 5 0
2003 Carson Palmer, qb Southern Cal. Cincinnati 4 2
2004 Eli Manning, qb Mississippi San Diego 3 0
2005 Alex Smith, qb Utah San Francisco 2 0
2006 Mario Williams, de N. Carolina State Houston 1 0
Those are all the other "Can't miss" guys in the draft. Do you want any of them. Other than the ones I highlighted, none of these guys made the impact that people think the #1 pick should. So why should we spend the #1 pick and trade up to get that pick for the "cant miss" guy instead of filling needs!?!?
Obviously the jury is still out on a few people. But Mike Williams of Detroit was a "Cant Miss" guy a couple years ago, and he was inactive most of the season.
*I bolded the guys who have "Panned out" for the most part, and even a couple of those are a stretch