03-22-2007, 09:40 AM
i almost feel like i have won an award or something. just a quick thanks to everyone for some very good, although sometimes irrational, redskins talk. alot of you guys seem like friends to me, even though i haven't met any of you. i also enjoy the political rants without the personal attacks. lots of good people, who all add alittle bit, to make this soup work. good morning to all. and to all the mods, keep on keepin on. you guys do a great job letting this place patrol it self
I hope you know hitting 5000 posts = instant ban from the board.
See ya in 3 months!
03-22-2007, 09:42 AM
congratulations...good luck in the "Pro Bowl"
03-22-2007, 09:51 AM
Good morning dmek and congratulations. Bans for everyone!
03-22-2007, 09:55 AM
5,000 posts!!! A dream to some, a nightmare to others.
Congratulations. Here's to 5,000 more...:drink ... :( ...:vomit::embarrass
i almost feel like i have won an award or something. just a quick thanks to everyone for some very good, although sometimes irrational, redskins talk. alot of you guys seem like friends to me, even though i haven't met any of you. i also enjoy the political rants without the personal attacks. lots of good people, who all add alittle bit, to make this soup work. good morning to all. and to all the mods, keep on keepin on. you guys do a great job letting this place patrol it self
03-22-2007, 10:26 AM
Good job and good morning.
03-22-2007, 10:45 AM
5000 posts, wow. I hope to be there one day. Congrats
03-22-2007, 11:59 AM
Mod IV through Mod VII will ban everyone in this thread. We all know it's strictly forbidden to post about anything. Be advised that some of us have a propensity for talking about stuff. It has not gone unnoticed.
Fair warning.
Congrats Dmek!