03-16-2007, 01:19 PM
Yeah, we're drafting in the 6th spot. There's a lot of things that can happen before the draft, and there's a chance Calvin Johnson will be sitting there at 6. While I think the chance is very rare, stranger things have happened.
Daseal, See my previous post please. I think the only way you can say chances are "very rare" at this point is if Tampa is 100% set on drafting him. I could see Gruden wanting to take Quinn. I know they resigned Simms & Garcia, but if Gruden is enamored w/a player he'll take em regardless of need. If he's set on Johnson that's it, but if Tampa doesn't take him he would fall to us. I don't see anybody else except Cleveland taking him in picks 1-5.
03-16-2007, 01:40 PM
There isn't a "very rare" chance that Calvin Johnson slips to #6.
There is no chance.
03-16-2007, 02:03 PM
Even if Calvin Johnson is available at #6 which I doubt, there's no way we draft him other than to trade him. Do you guys realize how much we have invested in WR's already? The Redskins are not going to invest heavy in another wide-out.
This team needs defense, in case you've forgotten already what you witnessed last season. There's no smoke screens, no bluff's, every GM in the league knows the Redskins need DEFENSE, and espically across the D-Line. If the Redskins do not respect that #6 position, some other team will gladly take it off their hands, and probaly coveting a player we should take at that position. We need to draft Alan Branch, Gaines Adams, and Jamal Anderson all in one swoop if that were possible. D-Lines are built one player at a time, and if we could get just one superior D-Line player a year for the next 2-3 yr's it would be a sound acomplishment.
03-16-2007, 02:12 PM
I agree with Redskins_P. We just don't have anything to offer. I would stay where we are at and Draft DT Alan Branch.
03-16-2007, 02:35 PM
I agree with Redskins_P. We just don't have anything to offer. I would stay where we are at and Draft DT Alan Branch.
We have been neglecting the D-Line fo a long, long time, always trying to build the most important part of the team through FA's. The D-Line is the franchise of your defense, and it's neglect is obvious on this team. Wide recievers, running backs take a back seat to quality D-Lineman that's why they should be cherished when the opportunity arises to get one. The quality one's are also very expensive when you try to aquire them through free agency.
03-16-2007, 02:51 PM
I agree with Redskins_P. We just don't have anything to offer. I would stay where we are at and Draft DT Alan Branch.
You're an intelligent man! ;)
03-16-2007, 03:27 PM
even if johnson falls to 6 were not takin him cause more than likely were movin down in the draft.