I hate how every time free agency starts at 12:01 on March 2nd every year ESPN and NFL.com get overloaded and their sites won't load. It's happened to me for three straight years lol. I can't even get Redskins.com to work lol.
The funny thing is deals aren't going to be announced all through the night so I don't understand why people are hitting those sites.
03-02-2007, 11:08 AM
Although I trust CC the most, it seems we have two different numbers. CC says 4.9 about 5 and JLC says 6. And this other guy is saying 9 or something? How could everyone be coming up with different results?
Although I trust CC the most, it seems we have two different numbers. CC says 4.9 about 5 and JLC says 6. And this other guy is saying 9 or something? How could everyone be coming up with different results?
There isn't an official number so sources will vary.
03-02-2007, 12:27 PM
Although I trust CC the most, it seems we have two different numbers. CC says 4.9 about 5 and JLC says 6. And this other guy is saying 9 or something? How could everyone be coming up with different results?
Differences between CC and the $6.0 that JLC is reporting include differences of opinion on the cap figures of Chris Samuels and Clinton Portis. CC has Samuels and Portis taking up more 2007 space than the figures JLC is drawing from.
Based on my understandings of the cap, I think CC is right on those two contracts. As usual!
I'd figure on $4.9 being the right number. Though that has changed now that Randy Thomas, Mike Sellers, and Vernon Fox all have deals.
03-02-2007, 05:47 PM
Although I trust CC the most, it seems we have two different numbers. CC says 4.9 about 5 and JLC says 6. And this other guy is saying 9 or something? How could everyone be coming up with different results?
Actually I think my Brunell number is off by $1M, so that would bring the cap room to $5.9M on my sheets.
03-02-2007, 06:02 PM
Actually I think my Brunell number is off by $1M, so that would bring the cap room to $5.9M on my sheets.
CC, I notice on your sheets (at least in your update posted Jan 18th), you have Samuels on the books for $8.6 million for 2007 and Portis for $7.0 million.
I'm pretty sure Jason La Canfora gets his information from Rule of 51 (http://www.skinsfans.com/pcinoz/Rule%20of%2051.htm), which said the Skins were $6.0 million under the cap as of Feb 27th. This information says both Samuels and Portis will count $6.2 million each in 2007.
So that's a source of definite discrepency between your sheet and the one he's using. But looking at Samuels' and Portis' contracts, I think your numbers are probably right because you're factoring in allocated portions of their original signing bonuses, plus bonuses from recent restructures/extensions. I'm not sure this other page is doing that part correctly (they don't break down the numbers like you do, so I'm just educated-guestimating).
That, plus your Brunell calculations that aren't yet posted, probably make up the difference between your numbers and LaCanfora's. Yes, no, maybe so?
03-02-2007, 06:33 PM
CC, I notice on your sheets (at least in your update posted Jan 18th), you have Samuels on the books for $8.6 million for 2007 and Portis for $7.0 million.
I'm pretty sure Jason La Canfora gets his information from Rule of 51 (http://www.skinsfans.com/pcinoz/Rule%20of%2051.htm), which said the Skins were $6.0 million under the cap as of Feb 27th. This information says both Samuels and Portis will count $6.2 million each in 2007.
So that's a source of definite discrepency between your sheet and the one he's using. But looking at Samuels' and Portis' contracts, I think your numbers are probably right because you're factoring in allocated portions of their original signing bonuses, plus bonuses from recent restructures/extensions. I'm not sure this other page is doing that part correctly (they don't break down the numbers like you do, so I'm just educated-guestimating).
That, plus your Brunell calculations that aren't yet posted, probably make up the difference between your numbers and LaCanfora's. Yes, no, maybe so?
I know the pages at skinsfan quite well. They are PCinOZ's cap sheets and his info is usually the best anywhere. When I finish my sheets I always compare them to skinsfan to look for discrepencies. We are usually pretty close but I do find mistakes on his site from time to time.
For Portis and Samuels our numbers are actually very close. The discrepency is there because skinsfan's cap numbers differ between his summary page and details page. If you look at his details page you'll see that our numbers match exacty except for some minor LTBEs. But his summary page doesn't match my numbers or his own numbers from the details page. I'm assuming he made a mistake when copying the data from the details page to the summary page.