Should Dockery Be Re-signed Before Free Agency Starts (next Friday)

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02-23-2007, 10:43 PM
Sweet! ROAD TRIP! Lets just hope it doesnt come down to that.....

02-23-2007, 10:46 PM
I think we have to rent a gray hound bus to make sure we can get the rest the people who would like to come with us.

02-23-2007, 10:51 PM
Holy god...Snyders worst nightmare is every1 from the Warpath coming and lining up to verbally ( and at that pont, possibly physically!) kick him in the balls. That would be great. I say if he doesnt get re-signed we do it.....what can we POSSIBLY lose? Except maybe Snyders faith in us that we have faith in him. hehehe...I wonder if I could make him eat my little doggie bag of upchuck?

02-23-2007, 10:55 PM
Maybe since the skins dont have a real GM. Little Danny should put the postion of GM up for bid to a fan to have a chance to run the team for a year. Little Danny would make alot of money he would love that. Hell it cant any worst than it is now.

02-23-2007, 10:57 PM
Maybe since the skins dont have a real GM. Little Danny should put the postion of GM up for bid to a fan to have a chance to run the team for a year. Little Danny would make alot of money he would love that. Hell it cant any worst than it is now.

Right. That is so far-fetched that I could TRULY see it happening a few years down the road if we cant right this ship. It would be neat if it happened and the guy ended up making us friggin champs again. THEN! AND MAYBE ONLY THEN! Could I make Dan Snyder devour my reguritation. hehehe....

02-23-2007, 11:04 PM
Damn JG its been so long since this team has won its killing me. I guess i should feel lucky that i actually saw them win the SB 3 times. I just hope my kids will get lucky enough to see them win one.

02-23-2007, 11:10 PM
Sigh....God I wish i was older. One of my first memories (REALLY!) is sitting in front of the TV with my pops and his dad during the SB against the Bills. Dont remember actually, SEEING the game because i was only like, 6 or something but, I remember that my family is REDSKINS to the CORE! My uncle came over and he was rooting for the Bills and my grandad kicked his ass out for being a douche. hehe...thats why 2005 was so cool for me. Ive NEVER watched us actually kick some MAJOR ass like we did. God, when we win our next SB, Im gonna flip and take a friggin year vacation from life and just walk the streets of Richmond and talk shit to everyone I see. Everyone. Man, woman, small child, animal.....doesnt matter. The SHIT will GET talked! lol

02-23-2007, 11:14 PM
Well my gf at the time now my wife we went to the SB against the Bill. We were 16 row back in the endzone when the skins scored their 17 points in the second Quarter. We got tickets threw Mark Mosely travel. Went up for the day and flew back after the game. Was great especially when the skins score they played hail to the redskins in the stadium. After the song ended the fans would keep on singing Hail to the Redskins.

02-23-2007, 11:17 PM
Well my gf at the time now my wife we went to the SB against the Bill. We were 16 row back in the endzone when the skins scored their 17 points in the second Quarter. We got tickets threw Mark Mosely travel. Went up for the day and flew back after the game. Was great especially when the skins score they played hail to the redkskins in the stadium. After the song ended the fans would keep on singing Hail to the Redskins.

Classic...I have that game on VHS cuz my dad recorded it so....I KNOW! GOD! Would have KILLED to be there.....and I do mean KILL!

02-23-2007, 11:46 PM
was awsome that for sure wish the skins can make it again sometime.

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