I found out who it was, it was a generous donation for the site costs.
Much thanks to smootsmack who really went above and beyond with his very generous $40 site donation.
Much thanks to SS!!
Cheers to you buddy!
07-10-2004, 05:36 PM
Thanks, Smack!!! Nice move. OK, in that spirit, I will donate the league championship plaque I mentioned. Use the available cash however you like it for prizes. Good luck to everyone!!! (especially the 2004 REDSKINS). I just hope everyone enjoys the full season. NO DROPOUTS, guys LOL.
P.S. Please remind me near the end of the season about the plaque. I am OLD and forgetful LOL. But I will remember when you remind me.
07-12-2004, 08:26 PM
Matty what are the line ups? Like how many rb's and wr's and such are there gonna be per team?
08-03-2004, 12:43 PM
Where is last year's champ BigDaddyBohnzie?
Hey guys
Last few months have been pretty rough...I lost my job in May (damn office politics...couldn't be transferred to the IT Dept. because my last name isn't the same as the President's...and instead of keeping me around, they decided to "allow" me to find a new job...I'd been there 10 years, thru High School, College and post-graduation), so the main focus has been on finding a job.
With that said (that and the fact that the league is full), I can't see spending $25 on a league, when i can use that money elsewhere.
If someone would please PM me when the free league(s) are formed, I'm definitely all in for those.
sorry to hear the bad news BDB.
also sorry to say our two free leagues are filled.
That Guy
08-03-2004, 02:40 PM
i'll drop out of one of the free leagues, he can take my spot...
08-03-2004, 05:17 PM
don't worry about dropping out...i appreciate the kind gesture, but it's not necessary. i was just checking to see if anything was available...
if i create one, how many would be interested in playing?
That Guy
08-03-2004, 05:40 PM
i've got a team in two seperate leagues, so i wont mind losing one too much if you'd rather just do that.
08-04-2004, 01:27 PM
it's no big deal...
i have created one (points league, all defaults through Yahoo) with 20 teams if anyone's interested.
Group ID: 308683
Password: 1234
08-17-2004, 08:13 PM
The live online draft will take place on Sunday August 22 at 9pm EST. Please keep that in mind before you sign up, if you can't make the draft you might want to think twice before you cough up $25. :)
Matty is the draft this sunday at 6:00 or 9:00?? Cause the last time I checked it said that it was to happen at 6:00 on yahoo!!