01-18-2007, 03:52 PM
All I'm saying if this was Tom Brady, Peyton Manning, or any other pale-skinned QB this wouldn't be an issue. But you guys just can't accept that Vick has revolutionized the water bottle. 'Cause you're afraid of messing with your water/weed status quo. Blah blah blah blah
"its his white coach thats keeping him down, and now they got another white coach and he says its gonna be an open competition at traingcamp?? Thats BS. Being that Shaub is white, well, we all know who the coaches favorite is gonna be." (Sponsored by the late WeWhite!)
01-18-2007, 03:54 PM
Trade that bum and get all you can for him. This is story from awhile ago, but a friend of mine went out to dinner with Mike Vick and about six or seven people while Vick was a senior at VaTech. What he told me was a story that was a sure sign of things to come. The guy doesn't speak to the staff or the waitress at the restaurant once the whole night. He only communicates by snapping fingers at the staff as in come hither lesser humans. He amuses himself by pointing at things on the menu he wants and then snapping his fingers. He literaly snapped his fingers over and over and over and of course he thought he was just hilarious. Big Man on Campus. My friend said he has never been more embarassed for someone or for himself. I really hate stuff like that. Hope he never wins a title and the way he plays I don't think I have to worry.
You may want to ask your friend a few more questions about this story. Michael Vick left Virginia Tech at the end of his JUNIOR year and entered the NFL draft. It would have been difficult for your friend to have dinner with him during his SENIOR year at VT ... his senior year did not happen.
01-18-2007, 04:05 PM
"Last year" and "senior year" are fairly synonymous. I don't really think that detracts from the plausibility of the story.
01-18-2007, 04:09 PM
You may want to ask your friend a few more questions about this story. Michael Vick left Virginia Tech at the end of his JUNIOR year and entered the NFL draft. It would have been difficult for your friend to have dinner with him during his SENIOR year at VT ... his senior year did not happen.
Yeah somebody already pointed that out. I guess it was his last year at school which was his junior year you know it was quite some time ago, but I remember I was on a golf course when I heard the story.
01-18-2007, 04:20 PM
hate to hear that, but can surely believe it's true. I was in grad school at VT when Vick was playing (btw, he didn't stay till his sr. year). It was an exciting year on campus when he played his 1st year in 99, and in town he couldn't go anywhere w/out strangers approaching him. He was an overnight star practically.
I'm not blaming it on success though, a smart and/or decent person would be able to see that such behavior is not beneficial long term.
on a positive note, up until now he's kept himself outta trouble other than the Ron Mexico thing, and I think he can be really good w/the right system (not the west coast) and decent recievers. If it weren't for all the hype, people would think he's a decent qb, just not a great one. Instead, due to all the media attention, people are starting to regard him as a failure, which I disagree with.
I was thinking the same thing about his sr. year. A friend of my sister represents Vick and would say quite the opposite of what he had said about him. Who knows!
01-18-2007, 04:29 PM
All I can say, with all the stupid things our team has done in the past with free agency etc. At least we did not swap our first round pick with San Deigo and give up other picks which became (LT, Merriman and their kicker Kaeding) for Micheal "Coach Killer" Vick. who is over hyped and until the lengthen the field to included the frist three rows of the stands will never be a good passer. The guy can running (which is what runningback do) and he has a cannon of the arm, which is why he over throws his receivers by 5-10 yards, but he is a horrible QB and will never win the super bowl.
So Atlanta has given up on a chance to draft what could be the greatest RB in history (if he keeps going with the numbers he is producing) to get this worthless peice of crap. They also traded away one of the greatest QB's ever to play the game (Brett Farve). Makes me feel a little better about our mistakes :)
01-18-2007, 04:31 PM
All I'm saying if this was Tom Brady, Peyton Manning, or any other pale-skinned QB this wouldn't be an issue. But you guys just can't accept that Vick has revolutionized the water bottle. 'Cause you're afraid of messing with your water/weed status quo. Blah blah blah blahHow did he revolutionize the water bottle? You can buy them on line. And whats with the idea of taken 16oz water bottle on a plane when the only containers allowed can hold no more than 3oz. He has to know that with as much flying as he does and why was he flying on one of those discount flyers? Just so many questions.
01-18-2007, 04:36 PM
I heard it wasn't even Mike Vick. It was this Ron Mexico guy that looks like him.
Big C
01-18-2007, 04:40 PM
Have we forgotten about the fact that one of his ex-girlfriend’s allegedly posted a picture on her MYSPACE page of him holding a joint? But he didn’t smoke marijuana at VA Tech, right? He was a solid citizen all through college, right? He definitely never looked glossy-eyed and incoherent to me.
unfortunately id imagine quite a large% of student atheletes smoke weed, and a large % of students. pro atheletes as well etc. im not suprised by this
01-18-2007, 05:59 PM
How did he revolutionize the water bottle? You can buy them on line.
Of course, I was just joking. Channeling wewhite/st21/bmf21 etc.