Riggo44 06-29-2004, 09:23 PM The article itself was pretty accurate. Why did they need to add that moron pastabelly into it? As ususal, he came up with some way to criticize the skins. In an article about next season's prognosis, he dwells on the draft. Hey, fatass! The draft is over! Don't you have any insight into how the skins might do WITH THE TEAM THEY ACTUALLY HAVE??? Oh, I forgot. You don't.
SKINSnCANES 06-30-2004, 01:44 AM Hopefully Taylor is going to be great for us, but lets play devils advocate for a minute. All of you keep talking about Winslows attitude and how you dont want that, and before everyone kept saying how with the Postons wed never get him signed. Well, now lets make a few assumptions. Lets say Winslow does sign before camp, and Taylor holds out. Then doesnt that change everything. Didnt a lot of peopel say we took Winslow becuase we would be able to sign Taylor? He doesnt even have an agent yet. And Winslow doesnt complain when he doesnt get the ball, you guys should think that. The only time Winslow spoke out about wanting the ball is when teh game was on teh line he would say put the ball in my hands. He was the leader on that offense and that was his plaec to step up on 4th and long and want the ball. He had a coupel game strecth where all he did was block and didnt say anything because the team was winning.
The other point he does make, that was also made prior to the draft, is about the value of the safety position. I feel that if he was goign to make that argument he should have put more thought into it. Becuase us drafting a safety is with good logic. We are in a division with the best tight end in the league, and with one of the best scrambling QBs in the league. Plus now we have TO in our division, and Dallas has a very productive set of receivers.
This is an argument thats going to go on for years to come. If either one of them ever has a bad year they will second guess it. We did what the Eagles did a few years ago when they drafted a bunch of corners so they could beat the rams. we needed a safety to help win in our division more than a TE. Kellen might hvae been a more productive player for us but we got what we needed.
bedlamVR 06-30-2004, 03:07 AM Hate to say it also but Tatlor still doesn't have an agent could he be on his way to telling the world Football isn't what he wants to do anymore he might want to be a basket weaver in tibet or something... I dunno
skinsfanthru&thru 06-30-2004, 03:35 AM We are in a division with the best tight end in the league, and with one of the best scrambling QBs in the league. Plus now we have TO in our division, and Dallas has a very productive set of receivers.
when did tony gonzalez sign with one of our divisional foes? ;) j/k
I do agree about him being a good weapon against mcnabb when he scrambles and he will help out quite a bit against TO.
BrudLee 06-30-2004, 08:29 AM And Winslow doesnt complain when he doesnt get the ball, you guys should think that. The only time Winslow spoke out about wanting the ball is when teh game was on teh line he would say put the ball in my hands. He was the leader on that offense and that was his plaec to step up on 4th and long and want the ball. He had a coupel game strecth where all he did was block and didnt say anything because the team was winning.
And that was on a team that lost one game. In the NFL, a successful team can still lose five or six games and be considered the best in the league. Lots of players are great teammates when they are winning - the reality of the NFL is that you aren't going to win every game, so you'd better not rush to blame your coaches and teammates.
I don't doubt KWII is going to be a great player in this league for years - nor do I doubt it about Taylor. I know which one I wanted to be a Redskin, though - and I got my wish.
memphisskin 06-30-2004, 12:12 PM First, I think K2s attitude is good. All of the great players had that edge, they know they are great and simply want to help the team win. I think the misconception was that there wouldn't be enough balls flying around to keep Winslow happy and that he'd be a malcontent. I've never seen a guy pout on a winning team, even Keyshawn Johnson closed his mouth when the Bucs won a championship.
We took the best fit for us. There is no rush to get an agent, camp doesn't begin until the end of the month anyway. I'm not worried at all, Snyder wants to give Gibbs every advantage so Taylor will get his money regardless of who his agent is. The actual contract negotiations will be pretty swift, I just think Taylor may be on guard because he had to get rid of his last agent. Not sure what happened there, but he'll be in camp and hitting as soon as it opens up.
backrow 06-30-2004, 01:29 PM Taylor - two week hold out at most.
KWII - two 1/2 week hold out, just to wait to see what the guy before him gets.
SKINSnCANES 06-30-2004, 02:27 PM Why does KWII care what Taylor gets, people had him number one on some boards remember, so he wants number one money. lol
BrudLee 06-30-2004, 03:35 PM I wouldn't try to project holdouts for any player (with the possible exception of KWII). I don't think any first round picks have signed yet, and if they have, they certainly weren't top ten picks. This is usually a slow process, and Taylor has made no statements that he intends to prolong it. The Postons have even backed off their statements about #1 money - so KWII may be safe as well.
SKINSnCANES 06-30-2004, 04:06 PM One first round pick has signed. Houstons I beleive. Jason somethign or another I think was his name.