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skinsfan69 12-14-2006, 10:25 AM OK, how about hiring a GM with decision making abilities beyond Mr. Gibbs?
Yes becasue Gibbs can't do both. He's having enough trouble coaching the team.
SkinEmAll 12-14-2006, 10:34 AM I agree that the scouting dept. needs to be improved, alot. A good GM is not going to have an impact for several years even if he was hired today. I dont have a problem with the current setup, its the scouting and 'slightly' over paying to get some of these players. I think they did learn alot about some of their misstakes, and I truly believe those will not be made again. Also, I think Gibbs will not give as much weight to Williams flawed view of his scheme vs. players mentality.
12thMan 12-14-2006, 10:40 AM This team has needed a GM for a while, and they still need one. There's just too much conflict with coaching players, selecting them, and determining their worth in order to pay them. There has to be one person who is objective, yet motivated to win. Coaches and owners want to win now. A GM would have the ability to take a step back and think like a builder.
If we win the Super Bowl next year, I'll say the same thing, because it's a proven model. No a GM won't suddenly transform our fortunes, but it will help us keep our eye on the ball. We've done everything unde the sun to right the ship except for this one area.
A GM won't solve all the ills of our front office, but it's a good way to have check and balances, control spending, and there's little if any conflict of interest. More than anything though, one person is accountable for the personnel decisions.
If three or four guys are involved, who do you chop when things go awry?
The Zimmermans 12-14-2006, 10:47 AM Gibbs is a great coach, however, he picks a lot of players based on "character" instead of talent. If a young player comes in a shows "redskin" heart and hard work, he would take him over some guy who has an ego and pouts when things go wrong, even though that guy might be twice as talented. And Greg Williams is even worse in this category. A GM would take away those conflicting views as long as he was given enough control. I think Gibbs can shape a player with a bad attitude into a player with a good attitude, since he has that ability, HE IS JOE GIBBS. The key is for someone else to give him the tools that are necessary, since Gibbs and GWilliams can't seem to objectively judge talent.
BrunellMVP? 12-14-2006, 10:49 AM If the skins sign a GM, what exactly will Gibbs job be?
i mean, i feel like i'm in Office Space and the Bob's are asking, "what it is exactly, that you do?"
I mean he's hands off the D, he's virtually hands of the O (or at least was...), and with a GM he'd be ceding autonomy on personnel! Seems to me, were this to happen, he'd be nothing more than a figurehead/puppet- guiding he ship in a 5-11 direction...and we'd be no better than the citizens of
Oz willing to believe in the magical wizard.
I'm not saying Gibbs must go, what I am saying, is that we brought him back...paid him a lot of money...let him do his thing, without demanding that he cede control.
BrunellMVP? 12-14-2006, 10:52 AM Gibbs is a great coach, however, he picks a lot of players based on "character" instead of talent. If a young player comes in a shows "redskin" heart and hard work, he would take him over some guy who has an ego and pouts when things go wrong, even though that guy might be twice as talented. And Greg Williams is even worse in this category. A GM would take away those conflicting views as long as he was given enough control. I think Gibbs can shape a player with a bad attitude into a player with a good attitude, since he has that ability, HE IS JOE GIBBS. The key is for someone else to give him the tools that are necessary, since Gibbs and GWilliams can't seem to objectively judge talent.
For all the "character" talk, i've not seen much action. where was it when we let pierce go- who gibbs consistently referred to as a core redskins guy- and signed Brandon Lloyd- who has temper tantrums on the sidelines...while these are just 2 cases, seems to me gibbs talks a big character game, but doesn't back it up...
VTSkins897 12-14-2006, 10:55 AM another damn thing to bitch about.
skinsfan69 12-14-2006, 11:01 AM If the skins sign a GM, what exactly will Gibbs job be?
i mean, i feel like i'm in Office Space and the Bob's are asking, "what it is exactly, that you do?"
I mean he's hands off the D, he's virtually hands of the O (or at least was...), and with a GM he'd be ceding autonomy on personnel! Seems to me, were this to happen, he'd be nothing more than a figurehead/puppet- guiding he ship in a 5-11 direction...and we'd be no better than the citizens of
Oz willing to believe in the magical wizard.
I'm not saying Gibbs must go, what I am saying, is that we brought him back...paid him a lot of money...let him do his thing, without demanding that he cede control.
I'll tell you what he can do. He can spend time with all 3 units. Plus spend more time w/ JC. I'm sorry but this guy Lazor shouldn't be his only coach. He just should not be picking the players. What guy walks off a Nascar team and has full control of an NFL team? It makes no sense.
SmootSmack 12-14-2006, 11:02 AM I mean, it just seems to me that for a lot of people all they want is to be able to say so and so is the Redskins General Manager.
Joe Gibbs could say "I'd like to announce that we have reorganized our staff and Don Breaux will now serve as general manager. I will still consult with Vinny and Mr. Snyder on personnel decisions, and Don's main task will be to make sure I pick up milk on the way home from work"....and a good amount of fans would just say "Finally! We have a GM!"
SmootSmack 12-14-2006, 11:04 AM What guy walks off a Nascar team and has full control of an NFL team? It makes no sense.
That's kind of a narrow way of looking at it don't you think? I mean Gibbs has a long history in the NFL. It's not like we're talking about Jeff Gordon walking off NASCAR to take control of an NFL team