freddyg12 12-07-2006, 02:24 PM Here it is
For Line, 'Crease' Is The Word - washingtonpost.com (http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/content/article/2006/12/01/AR2006120101479.html)
thanks for posting it Matty. It really does sound like Buges gave in on this one after being stubborn for so long. That's my read of it anyway.
I don't agree entirely w/your earlier post, the O-line has had games where we couldn't establish anything; dallas, nyg. we couldn't even run much on the titans.
Now on the other hand, when they've played well its been against good lines & its one part of the team that needs to stay as is. Re-sign Dock & get some depth in the draft & cheap fa's.
thanks for posting it Matty. It really does sound like Buges gave in on this one after being stubborn for so long. That's my read of it anyway.
I don't agree entirely w/your earlier post, the O-line has had games where we couldn't establish anything; dallas, nyg. we couldn't even run much on the titans.
Now on the other hand, when they've played well its been against good lines & its one part of the team that needs to stay as is. Re-sign Dock & get some depth in the draft & cheap fa's.
If anything the OL has been very inconsistent. We've seen them beat up on some very good defensive lines like Jacksonville, and like you said there were games were they couldn't get anything going.
61cad 12-07-2006, 07:13 PM Gibbs through the years has always been very stoic on the sidelines.
I guess Tom Coughlin's sideline gestures are really doing them a lot of good huh?
How about perhaps the most stone faced of coaches in the league, Bill Belichick? What's his deal? Somehow they win despite his lack of emotion.
I seriously don't know where people come up with this stuff sometimes. :rolleyes:
And you are suggesting the coaches who show emotion are big losers.
I am pretty sure Coughlin won the NFC East last year and how about that loser Bill Cowher?
Oh no.... Wait .... Cowher won the Super Bowl.
Some how they win getting excitied about thier teams.
JoeRedskin 12-07-2006, 07:24 PM Ummmm, nooooo. Perhaps he is suggesting that different successful coaches have different coaching styles. History is replete with coaches who have been successful with both a less demonstrative manner (Landry?) and those who are more demonstrative (cowher).
Your original complaint was that Gibbs is too stoic. I would suggest to you, that his demeanor on the sidelines is similar (maybe even exactly the same) as it was during his superbowl seasons.
If your going to argue a point, it would really help if you remembered what it was.
SmootSmack 12-07-2006, 07:25 PM I don't think there's a direct correlation between showing emotion and winning. It's all circumstantial really I think.
61cad 12-07-2006, 07:36 PM Ummmm, nooooo. Perhaps he is suggesting that different successful coaches have different coaching styles. History is replete with coaches who have been successful with both a less demonstrative manner (Landry?) and those who are more demonstrative (cowher).
Your original complaint was that Gibbs is too stoic. I would suggest to you, that his demeanor on the sidelines is similar (maybe even exactly the same) as it was during his superbowl seasons.
If your going to argue a point, it would really help if you remembered what it was.
Sorry Joe... It would help if you can fellow what everyone has posted.
I have stuck with my Gibbs comment until others posted that "Coughlin's" team has been out of control". So, the Coughlin comment and comparison to coaches like Coughlin is stupid as I pointed out.
JoeRedskin 12-07-2006, 07:45 PM Nooo. I did follow what everyone posted.
1) You post that Gibbs is too stoic which, being an assinine comment, was pretty much shot down by everyone (and in the interim post and juxtapose completely incongrous photos of Gibbs);
2) as an example of the error of your original comment Matty says that if hysterics were everything Coughlin - who is not doing particularly well this year even he has in the past - would not have a four game losing streak; and
3) You misconstrue Matty's comment as an assertion that showing emotion is never successful and argue that emotional coaches can succeed.
Okay, so end our lesson in Logical Thinking 101, think you can keep up?
Nooo. I did follow what everyone posted.
1) You post that Gibbs is too stoic which, being an assinine comment, was pretty much shot down by everyone (and in the interim post juxtapose completely incongrous photos of Gibbs);
2) as an example of the error of your original comment Matty says that if hysterics were everything Coughlin - who is not doing particularly well this year even he has in the past - would not have a four game losing streak; and
3) You misconstrue Matty's comment as an assertion that showing emotion is never successful and argue that emotional coaches can succeed.
Okay, so end our lesson in Logical Thinking 101, think you can keep up?
I rest my case.
Thanks Joe! LOL
61cad 12-08-2006, 11:37 AM Gibbs looks the same on the sidelines as he did when he was collecting Super Bowl trophies. If head coach sideline hysterics had anything to do with winning football games then the Giants would never lose...
Joe... Here is Celts post. Matty jumped in. I posted the link of a picture of Gibbs Collecting his SB trophy and this year sideline as Celts suggested.
As for Coughlin as stated by me "they won the NFC East last year"
As for hysterics... Coughlin and Cowher... pretty much hysterical coaches have proven to be winners.
Revisit Gibbs 1. The man was more animated because he was calling plays, talking to players and coaches.
Who do you think the better coach is right now....Gibbs or Cowher?
SmootSmack 12-08-2006, 11:44 AM In my humble opinion, you misinterpreted what Celts32 was saying.