12-06-2006, 12:02 PM
I have a respect for Tafkas. I have a respect for hesscl34 and a Daseal. But I never respect you Skinnyfan. i never respect a gay and you was so lucky that the redskinrat come save you earlier and you also RedskinRat. You break my heart as well.
12-06-2006, 12:03 PM
I have a respect for Tafkas. I have a respect for hesscl34 and a Daseal. But I never respect you Skinnyfan. i never respect a gay and you was so lucky that the redskinrat come save you earlier and you also RedskinRat. You break my heart as well.
12-06-2006, 12:06 PM
Ok, Daseal's post really bothered me as well as the responses. Believe me, this is something the entire mod staff as been concerned about for some time. It's very hard to strike that balance between keeping the discussions here civil and informative while also bringing in new blood to the forums.
This isn't meant as a slam to newbies, some are great and become valued members of the board. Others come on and just post, post and post away with no regard to what's already being discussed. To me that's just poor forum etiquette. But hey, you can't educate everyone who comes through the door. I think we're all guilty of jumping on newbies at times, and that's not good either.
I've searched high and low for some solutions and I have FINALLY found something. I installed a modification today that won't allow new members to create new threads until they have 10 replies to existing threads. I'm hoping this will help with spammers as well as easing newbies into the board. I can adjust that number as we see fit.
Let's see how this goes. I also encourage everyone, including myself, to be more aware of newbies and try to help them out when possible.
Thanks guys
Awesome job... Shows once again the quality of this site.
I'm glad that somethings been done, and it will be interesting to see how it effects the board.
Really the problem is kind of a catch 22. People want liberal, unadulterated, open forum for discussion, yet at the same time don't want annoying "newbie's" coming in and ruining their fun.
People, you can't have your cake and eat it too. The good has to come with the bad. The mod's are clearly trying to find the most successful middle ground while preserving the essence of the "open forum" that the site has been so successful because of. I'm glad to see that they've taken the constructive criticism and applied it to the site. I'll be here as long as I'm a redskins fan.
ironic that in a thread of this nature we have a dope like sarnold posting this nonsense
12-06-2006, 12:14 PM
How about blocking a new member from starting new threads until they have a 100 or so post under their belt. When I first joined I read most things and did not even post for a week or two. Then I satrted to post and had a good feel for the site and what it was about. It was several months before I started a tread which I thought would add to the contents of this site. We have new members coming with just a few post starting several threads a day and the only post count they have is on defending why they started the thread. Making them wait for their post count to get to a certain number will drive away the ones that just come here and start stupid threads.
This site is still many times better than the others, less volume, more quality, with a touch of uniqueness. I'd like to stick around for a while.....if I'm allowed. I'll keep my volume of posts down since I'm new, it's just so tempting at work to respond when I'm bored as sin, sitting in my cubicle.
It's not the quantity its the quality of the post that matters.
If you have something to add, Please feel free to voice your opinion.
Unfortunately the forum attitude reflects the team and they both suck right night. Lately i've waited till Tuesday to post my thought and by that time there are already 1020932903904 Brunell is a doodie head threads.
It's just a matter of ignoring certain type threads.
Usually I only read the first page of a thread, If its going down hill, I will ignore it.
Only participate in threads started by respected members( AMD, Matty, BSB and many others). They will keep the thread clean from the gargabe we've seen lately.
People use the forum to vent. We've all done it. Stay away on sunday nights, thats when the bullshit is deep.
and most importantly, Stick around, One of these days we are going to have a porn section on the site! I'll even get you a Kick-A-Puppy picture section. (if those pictures of Matty really exist, I'm taking over!)
and don't forget your sense of humor ;)
12-06-2006, 12:29 PM
How about blocking a new member from starting new threads until they have a 100 or so post under their belt. When I first joined I read most things and did not even post for a week or two. Then I satrted to post and had a good feel for the site and what it was about. It was several months before I started a tread which I thought would add to the contents of this site. We have new members coming with just a few post starting several threads a day and the only post count they have is on defending why they started the thread. Making them wait for their post count to get to a certain number will drive away the ones that just come here and start stupid threads.
I think 100 is maybe too much but 10 is not enough.
12-06-2006, 12:35 PM
I think 100 is maybe too much but 10 is not enough.
Agreed. I'd lean closer to about 25 myself; maybe up to 50.
12-06-2006, 12:37 PM
Is this mainly about starting garbage threads or posting garbage in general? I'm probably a contributor to the latter. I haven't taken anything seriously since I got held up in an attempted robbery and the dude's gun misfired. Ever since, I try to keep it light.
I hope Daseal reconsiders. I bet he will. He is one of about 20 whose posts I'm inclined to take special interest in due to the intelligence and unique perspective.
Daseal, if you're reading this, come on back. Where you go, others may follow and that'll suck.
12-06-2006, 12:42 PM
I think 100 is maybe too much but 10 is not enough.
No I think 100 will get someone in to the flow of the site and will give them knowledge to what others want to talk about and not just starting a tread to do so. If they are true fans (I'm not saying a new poster is not) and really like this site 100 post would only take a week or two.