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The mods do have a system in place which controls members' ability to post new threads. We just need to do a better job activating it. Right Matty?
The as is system is actually a bit complicated, but the mod I installed today takes care of everything very easily. The hard part was finding the mod in the first place.
skinnyfan 12-06-2006, 10:02 AM WAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHH! Cry me a river.....c-ya daseal. Have a nice life. If Tafkas wants to kick me off because of this post then fine, but I am so sick and tired of all the sensitivity we have to show toward the skins, brunell, gibbs, daseal.......any veteran member....god forbid.......all of this makes me want to vomit. People say what they want, thats what makes this site good. Daseal just wanted attention.....like a lost puppy dog......and he got it. Grow up, or man up dude.
GhettoDogAllStars 12-06-2006, 10:05 AM WAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHH! Cry me a river.....c-ya daseal. Have a nice life. If Tafkas wants to kick me off because of this post then fine, but I am so sick and tired of all the sensitivity we have to show toward the skins, brunell, gibbs, daseal.......any veteran member....god forbid.......all of this makes me want to vomit. People say what they want, thats what makes this site good. Daseal just wanted attention.....like a lost puppy dog......and he got it. Grow up, or man up dude.
I don't think sensitivity is the issue -- just meaningful (unique) posts (or lack thereof).
WAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHH! Cry me a river.....c-ya daseal. Have a nice life. If Tafkas wants to kick me off because of this post then fine, but I am so sick and tired of all the sensitivity we have to show toward the skins, brunell, gibbs, daseal.......any veteran member....god forbid.......all of this makes me want to vomit. People say what they want, thats what makes this site good. Daseal just wanted attention.....like a lost puppy dog......and he got it. Grow up, or man up dude.
Real classy.
Next time just don't bother posting. Seriously. Some things are better to just keep to yourself.
The Zimmermans 12-06-2006, 10:48 AM This site is still many times better than the others, less volume, more quality, with a touch of uniqueness. I'd like to stick around for a while.....if I'm allowed. I'll keep my volume of posts down since I'm new, it's just so tempting at work to respond when I'm bored as sin, sitting in my cubicle.
sarnold 12-06-2006, 11:05 AM Skinnyfan... you break my heart. You did a bad thing insult all my Redskin brother. Everyone know Tafkas the blackest of all Redskin brother. There gonna be a time sooner late you meet sarnold and I gonna beat the f outta you. Suplex you, put you in the camel clutch, and f your A.
CrazyCanuck 12-06-2006, 11:06 AM I'm gonna pretend I never saw this thread.
onlydarksets 12-06-2006, 11:08 AM I'm speachless...
61cad 12-06-2006, 11:11 AM Suplex you, put you in the camel clutch, and f your A.
Dude.... You sure you want to F his A?
sarnold 12-06-2006, 11:14 AM F his A... Make him humble, teach him respect for Redskins and Tafkas and Mister Snyder and Gibbs