Thinning the herd.

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12-05-2006, 11:20 PM
daseal you still our boy.

I think I owe you smilies though. Its not because of the smilies is it?? NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO

12-05-2006, 11:21 PM
if it's not in the rules yet, what about limiting the amount of posts people can have per day or atleast within a certain period of time? that would cut down on a lot of the fluff posts and would require people who r coming here for serious skins talk to actually make the most of their posts. I'm with Daseal in the respect that sometimes I log on after getting home from work and it's 700+ new posts with a few hundred at times being posts of people taking differing opinions personally or just completely pointless posts rehashing what's been said in another thread. I know I've made some pointless posts in the past in the parking lot forums as we all at some time or another have, but when actually talking about the skins I take my time and try to sum up my thoughts in just one or 2 posts. I'll still keep coming here and making a post occasionally unlike how I used to be pretty talkative when the site got redesigned, but I agree to an extent with Daseal that it sometimes doesn't feel the same coming to the site.

12-05-2006, 11:30 PM
Daseal, I hope you stick around if only as a lurker. I completely understand where you're coming from, lately I haven't had either the time or desire to read most of the 150 new posts in a day since they say the same things. I guess I think it gets this way in season and then in the offseason most of the flush posters fade away.

Keep in touch.

12-05-2006, 11:34 PM
pull up contest

12-05-2006, 11:40 PM
hey man, i hope you don't stay away for too long... opposing view points are what make forums worth reading and you certainly have strong opinions.

in terms of the forum, i like it the way it is... you don't want to censor anything (unless it's too extreme) and the mods do a good job of keeping the site clutter-free. there's nothing worse than a constricted board. you've just gotta bear with the repetitive themes, especially during losing seasons.

12-05-2006, 11:44 PM
Sorry Daseal, resignation not accepted. It's vets like yourself that help drive the site. Newbies come and go, but it's the vets that are the foundation.

12-06-2006, 12:07 AM
COme on, Man! Stick it out! Ignore the crap, contribute where it matters, and don't get caught up in the nonesense. There's lots of good stuff on the site, and lots of good posters. If you go, you abandon the rest of us!

Things suck in redskins land right now, but the worm will turn. WHen we lose, everything sucks, tempers flare, and morons yell and scream. But it'll get better. Take a holiday. Then come back--we'll still be here, and the morons will be back under their rocks.

Big C
12-06-2006, 12:08 AM
seeya after the next skins win

12-06-2006, 12:49 AM
I agree with some of daseals thoughts. I too have not been able to read much on the site these days. We all know what made this a great site. Ive only been a member for a short while, but ive been visiting for almost 4 yrs. You know opinions are like a**holes, everybody has one, and some days there are alot of both here. It seems some new members are in a mad race to 'up' their post count. Which creates alot of worthless and/or repeat threads and post. Some of that may be from some members with higher post counts can be real disrespectful to some of the newbies. And some deserve it, but I think some new members feel they have to raise their #'s to be taken seriously. Anyway,daseal I have enjoyed alot of your post, and like you hope sometime soon, maybe the offseason, will bring back more thoughtful, meaningful and insult and bullsh!t free discussions.

12-06-2006, 01:08 AM
It would be a shame to lose such a veteran Skins fan like Deasel. I have not been a memeber on this site long, but I am a DC native and have burgundy and gold in my blood. When I was born at Georgetown Univ. Hospital, my hand were so large that one of the nurses told my mom that I was gonna play offensive line for the Redskins (too bad that didn't happen). Some of my first memories of football were the '87 season when Doug Williams and Timmy Smith led us to Super Bowl glory. Too sum it up, I've been a Redskins fan from day 1 on this planet. And I get as frustrated as anyone with this team. With all the expectations coming into this season, I have seen a lot of anger on this site. And for the most part rightfully so. I read waaaay more on this site than I do post. And I have also noticed that for the most part, the most well stated, intelligent opinions come from veteran members. That's part of the reason I don't just regergitate every random Skins thought that goes through my head. When I do speak I just try to make it as intelligent as possible, and my bashing usually starts with the front office, or lack there of. When I see threads started by guys like Sherriff, MattyK, Tafkas, Deasal, and other vets, those usually end up being the most solid of the discussions. And on the flip there are plenty of doo doo, repetitive threads as well. So I say quality over quantity everyone, and hang tough Deasel. At least we're all Skins fans here, and bearing the same heavy cross...

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