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freddyg12 12-06-2006, 10:32 AM I want Snyder to hire mel kiper as our GM, that would be amazing haha
At least he LIKES the draft!
hopefully JOE is seeing the error of his ways w/some of the personell decisions & he'll take greater control, maybe even orchestrate some deals to get us MORE draft picks!
NO matter what though, I'm looking forward to more JOe Gibbs as head coach/team prez. What brought this on anyway, a reporter asking him at a presser?
Monkeydad 12-06-2006, 10:46 AM HOORAY!!!!!!
Monkeydad 12-06-2006, 11:00 AM I'm just happy we have stability. I can't see us not improving next year.
Well considering we're without Portis most of this season, Moss for about half, along with Springs and a TON of other key defenders...we can't possibly have THAT bad of injury luck again. Add in that Jason Campbell will have some good experience behind his cannon arm, we should be pretty good next year.
This season has been unreal with the key injuries we've had. The Skins have one of the best RB AND one of the best WRs in the NFL and have lost them both this year. NO team could survive that blow on offense and NO team could survive losing most of their secondary and D-Line at the same time.
Throw in the revolving door for kickers along with a change to a rookie QB and we're lucky to have as many wins as we do.
Next year will be better. It will be a good year. :)
DGreen28 12-06-2006, 11:07 AM Gibbs have a lifetime pass.
One of my predictions for next season is this. Gibbs will grab the reins back on the team. To what degree I'm not sure. I personally would not be surprised to see him take back control of the offense and let Saunders go. That would be extreme, but it could happen.
Or perhaps he'll sit down with Saunders this offseason and work on coming up with an offensive identity that suits the 'Redskins principles' that he speaks of. Either way I believe we will see Gibbs more involved with the offense next year.
I do agree with the thought that there are too many chiefs and not enough indians on this coaching staff. Gibbs needs to get his hands dirty again and take back some control of the offense. To what degree he will do that is yet to be seen, but trust me, something will happen along the lines I've outlined above.
hesscl34 12-06-2006, 09:33 PM [quote=Mattyk72;256577]One of my predictions for next season is this. Gibbs will grab the reins back on the team. To what degree I'm not sure. I personally would not be surprised to see him take back control of the offense and let Saunders go. That would be extreme, but it could happen.
YAY!!!!!!!! I agree, I agree!!!!!!!!!! :)
jsarno 12-07-2006, 09:50 PM Completely different reason the first time. At the point, he was feeling the effects of his diabetes big time, and already proven all he needed to prove as an NFL coach, and of course wanting to be with his family. Now, his diabetes is under control, he's proven what he wanted to in racing, his family is all grown, and he feels the need to prove himself once again in the NFL. Gibbs won't give up until he feels him stepping aside is the only way to turn things around with this team.
Hold on...no one was upset when he left to be with family, the problem was, he didn't spend time with his family. He was literally spending 18 hours a day in NASCAR. If you leave to "be with family" then be with family. He made that his excuse to follow a dream. So he lied. Hey I love the man as our coach, but he lied to leave the first time around, are we so short sighted to beleive he won't do it twice?
Fool me once shame on you, fool me twice...........
jsarno 12-07-2006, 09:56 PM At least he LIKES the draft!
hopefully JOE is seeing the error of his ways w/some of the personell decisions & he'll take greater control, maybe even orchestrate some deals to get us MORE draft picks!
NO matter what though, I'm looking forward to more JOe Gibbs as head coach/team prez. What brought this on anyway, a reporter asking him at a presser?
Joe Gibbs liked to take a high draft pick then trade down for two picks, or more. We have not done this in a long long time.
We also need not forget, Gibbs has never coached / scouted talent in the salary cap era.
It is worthy to note, that I also beleive that Gibbs has a lifetime pass. I'd rather see us go 4-12 with Gibbs as our general than see us try, yet again, to get a coaching staff to "right the ship". I will be patient with Gibbs!
In Gibbs I trust!
(I just hope he doesn't lie and abandon us again.)
skinsguy 12-07-2006, 10:40 PM Hold on...no one was upset when he left to be with family, the problem was, he didn't spend time with his family. He was literally spending 18 hours a day in NASCAR. If you leave to "be with family" then be with family. He made that his excuse to follow a dream. So he lied. Hey I love the man as our coach, but he lied to leave the first time around, are we so short sighted to beleive he won't do it twice?
Fool me once shame on you, fool me twice...........
First of all, show me proof where he spent 18 hours a day in NASCAR. Secondly, who's to say his intentions were not to spend more time with his family? I mean geez, really, does the guy owe us an explanation? No, he doesn't.
SmootSmack 12-07-2006, 10:55 PM Joe Gibbs had already created his racing team before he retired the first time around. His team was based in North Carolina, where he and his wife have their permanent home. His son J.D. in the early 90s was a pit crew member of Joe Gibbs Racing and his youngest son Coy was attending Stanford at the time. With the exception of Coy, the Gibbs family definitely spent more time together when he retired.