That is the problem to much change in the ORG. Gibbs stays!!!! He has earned it. 3 rings
U get a ring even when u lose dont u?...4 rings gibbs stays....Al saunders= no rings Joe Gibbs=3 winning rings 4 rings total U do the math...
Who was the coach that took us to the playoffs before Gibbs return. It is not Gibbs
His name is norv turner and the only reason we didn't get a ring under him is because snyder pulled the plug way too early!
I can't wait for all the 'get rid of Gibbs' and 'we should draft Brady Quinn' threads.
I like Chris leak personally...
12-03-2006, 05:54 PM
Vick is done.. don't mess around with the skins
Whou would have thought we would lose this game??? ... :(
We left the run, and put too much pressure on JC to throw. Saunders has got to go.
12-03-2006, 06:18 PM
Whou would have thought we would lose this game??? ... :(
We left the run, and put too much pressure on JC to throw. Saunders has got to go.
Well what's there left to do?
When we run too much, people complain that we sit on the lead and play too conservative. Then we lose.
When we pass too much, it's putting too much pressure on the QB and we start leaving "Redskins football" and then we lose.
So what the hell is left to do?
12-03-2006, 07:31 PM
I went to the game today and still find myself disgusted with the Redskins! At the end of the first quarter, they were playing exceptionally well and it appeared as if there was going to be another win in our favor. However, things went downhill during the second quarter as they slowly resumed back to "redskins football." They totally disgraced the "burgundy & gold!"
The players don't want to play football.... they would rather dance to rap music (between plays and commercial breaks) instead. Daniel Snyder should snatch all of their jerseys away and give them damn cheerleader outfits instead! Most of this season has been a total disgrace! I wonder if they would even care if the 12th man started letting them down.
12-03-2006, 07:57 PM
Well what's there left to do?
When we run too much, people complain that we sit on the lead and play too conservative. Then we lose.
When we pass too much, it's putting too much pressure on the QB and we start leaving "Redskins football" and then we lose.
So what the hell is left to do?Good point. It's why I'm split on Saunders, he has made our offense better on the whole...but when we have an important call, he always seems to make the wrong one.
I think with the success Ladell was having, it was a safe bet to stay with the run. But also, he SHOULD have been able to go to the pass and complete better than 50% at the absolute least.
12-04-2006, 12:08 PM
Sort-of off-topic...
Did anyone else hear the announcer at the end of the first quarter when Atlanta was backed up to the 2 yard-line from an awesome Frost punt say:
"These fans really get it here. They know exactly when to get loud and when not to".
Hail to the Redskins (fans). :)