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That Guy 12-01-2006, 12:40 AM Even when we went on our winning streak last season, no one gave Brunell any credit (in the media), so I doubt he could get signed next season and compete for starting role.
Also, it seems like this season has started a new trend with starting young QB's early. I would really like to know what the average age is for starting QB's in the league right now. I can bet its not more 27 or 28.
as of 12/31/2006: (palmer, rivers, and campbell have birthdays in december)
22 (alex smith)
23, 23, 23, 23
25, 25, 25, 25, 25
26, 26, 26
27, 27, 27
28, 28
29, 29
30, 30, 30
31, 31
36, 36
37 (jeff garcia)
38 (brad johnson)
average age = 902/32 = 28.1875 years old... median is 27.
That Guy 12-01-2006, 12:44 AM Yeah, but I also think with only one day 1 draft pick and with the team unexpected to make a big free agency splash after indulging last year, we really don't need that cap space for anything. I think Brunell would be the ideal backup for us, and although I am not from the school of thought that says you need a decent backup QB to make a Championshup run, I think we would be accepting a downgrade by cutting him loose for cap room.
clements? that'd be an overall roster upgrade, and push more talent into the starting 22, which brunell wouldn't contribute to unless an injury occured, and
at that point, the risk/reward of possibly having him give you nothing still makes a good arguement for cutting him.
That Guy 12-01-2006, 12:55 AM The player stays on the roster (retired reserve list) for the duration of the deal, right? You get the reprieve of his base salary and don't have to pay him any bonuses. I know when a player volentarily retires, he has to give back the portion of his signing bonus that he did not earn, so does this not count as cap relief?
When the Raiders wanted Deion for their '02 playoff run, we cut him then and I think at that point we incurred his remaining cap hit (or lack thereof).
the main uses of the retired-reserve list tend to be:
A) for a player signing a deal to retire with his old team (ie, webb signing to retire as a dolphin after spending a couple years in cinncy, or brian mitchell signing a one day deal to retire as a skin).
B) a player signs a five year deal and retires after the first year... two years later, he gets re-instated and goes on the retired-reserve list of whichever team has his rights until they decide what to do (place on the roster or release them).
i believe gauranteed money is gauranteed money. a lot of times retiring players have given signing bonuses back or redone contracts immediately before calling it quits (gannon, meadows, etc (even deion gave money back)). with lavargate and the new stricter rules on recovering gaurantees, i'm not sure how easy it'd be to return money now.
vaoutlaws2006 12-01-2006, 02:11 AM I see brunell retiring at seasons end.
skinsfan69 12-01-2006, 09:05 AM Question for you. All future considerations aside, has our offense this year been better overall under Brunell, or under Campbell thus far?
(Hint: there is a correct answer to this question)
I'm not sure what the criteria for having a good season is, but depending on how you grade QBs, there are good arguements for both '05 and '06 in terms of which season Brunell played better in.
I have no problem with the conclusion you have arrived at, but when you say stuff like "nothing more needs to be said" as your evidence, then you are begging to be double checked. Your methods of reason seem suspect.
Bottom line. Brunell does not have the ability anymore to lead a team to the Super Bowl. Defenses do not respect his arm and why should they? Does anyone remember the last 6-8 games last year? If a veteran QB has a problem throwing for 170 yards a game then somehting is seriously wrong. He should have been benched coming into this year just like John Kitna was. Do you happen to remember that 2 number one picks are invested in JC? Keeping him on the bench serves no purpose. JC is going to have his lumps just like every young QB does. The future is JC not a 36 year old QB on a losing team. At this point Brunell is 3rd string material.
freddyg12 12-01-2006, 09:17 AM I see brunell retiring at seasons end.
I hope so, that would be in the best interests of he & the team. I’d like Joe to keep him around as an asst. qb coach or something. Then if ALL our qb’s got hurt he could come out of retirement.
He plays too tentatively at this point in his career & he shouldn’t jeopardize his health by playing any longer. Remember the good old days (those of you old enough!) when guys retired w/their team because they knew it was time, & they were too old?
12thMan 12-01-2006, 09:21 AM Bottom line. Brunell does not have the ability anymore to lead a team to the Super Bowl. Defenses do not respect his arm and why should they? Does anyone remember the last 6-8 games last year? If a veteran QB has a problem throwing for 170 yards a game then somehting is seriously wrong. He should have been benched coming into this year just like John Kitna was. Do you happen to remember that 2 number one picks are invested in JC? Keeping him on the bench serves no purpose. JC is going to have his lumps just like every young QB does. The future is JC not a 36 year old QB on a losing team. At this point Brunell is 3rd string material.
I still think Brunell is a viable back-up and could start for at least two teams in the NFL and they wouldn't see much if any dropoff.
freddyg12 12-01-2006, 09:26 AM Bottom line. Brunell does not have the ability anymore to lead a team to the Super Bowl. Defenses do not respect his arm and why should they? Does anyone remember the last 6-8 games last year? If a veteran QB has a problem throwing for 170 yards a game then somehting is seriously wrong. He should have been benched coming into this year just like John Kitna was. Do you happen to remember that 2 number one picks are invested in JC? Keeping him on the bench serves no purpose. JC is going to have his lumps just like every young QB does. The future is JC not a 36 year old QB on a losing team. At this point Brunell is 3rd string material.
2 1st Rnd. picks? Sure about that?
I thought we swapped 1st rnd. picks w/Denver & gave them 2 later rnd. picks (3rd & 4th I believe).
freddyg12 12-01-2006, 09:28 AM I still think Brunell is a viable back-up and could start for at least two teams in the NFL and they wouldn't see much if any dropoff.
He may be, but he's like an old boxer that doesn't want to risk taking one on the chin, so for 10 rounds he dances & holds his opponent just enough, but never lands anything close to a knock out blow.
skinsfan69 12-01-2006, 09:56 AM 2 1st Rnd. picks? Sure about that?
I thought we swapped 1st rnd. picks w/Denver & gave them 2 later rnd. picks (3rd & 4th I believe).
I believe this years's number one pick was given to Denver in order for us to move up and take him with the 25th pick in the 05 draft. So that would make two first rounders invested in JC.