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freddyg12 11-14-2006, 04:21 PM Mark isn't flying off to Tokyo or anything. He's not being "sent down" to NFL Europe.
I don't think we've seen the last of #8 this year. Gibbs just won't have it.
yeah, and maybe he sticks around next year, it will be a tough call for Gibbs. We need to either draft a qb in late rnd.s or try out an undrafted fa so we can groom a future #2.
I'm ready for JC, but MB gave us some good games & deserves respect. good thread
I would like to thank Mark for being a man about things, he could have easily used a ski mask and a gun to rob 43 mil, and yet he didn't, he was up front about this larceny, and cap destruction, not to mention the amount of time spent waiting for you to actually compete, FOUGHT YOUR GUTS OUT? Maybe trying to cut in line at the bank to cash all those checks which I am sure you will continue to do, but that's where it ended. So long Mark don't let the door hit you in the A**.
classy as expected, please read my previous posts on keeping this thread positive.
Redskins_P 11-14-2006, 04:38 PM Thank you Mark Brunell. Thanks for being a classy guy and for playing with all your heart. I wish we could've signed you when you were still in your prime, but whats done is done.
CoachGibbs 11-14-2006, 04:52 PM I want to say first of all that Mark is one player on our football team. We have 53 players and also coaches that have coached our way, with me being a big part of it, and we are 3-6.
Having said that, I made this move with the hope that we get more production. It is a tough decision to make. I talked to Mark and he was an absolute gentleman about it.
He understands and I am sure he does not agree with it. I talked to all three guys and explained the decision that I wanted to make. I explained it to them and said that we are going to give Jason his opportunity and see if we can be more productive and get some answers.
Mark fought his guts out for this organization and for the fans. I just hope everyone knows and understands this, nobody wanted to win more than this guy. But it's Jason's turn now, and Mark will support him and do everything he can to help Jason be a successful QB. We have a ton of confidence in Jason, and we think he's going to do a great job for this organization and I think the fans are gonna love him.
skinsfan69 11-14-2006, 04:55 PM Although I have frequently criticized Mark Brunell (in 2004, 2005, and 2006) and certainly agree with Gibbs' decision to bench him, I just want to thank Mark Brunell for his efforts. Mark Brunell helped get this team our first playoff berth and victory since 1999. Although Mark Brunell wasn't the sole reason for our team's victories last season, he certainly contributed.
I also want to thank Brunell for being eternally classy. Brunell did not whine, at least publicly, about his benching in 2004 or 2006. Brunell did not refuse to tutor Jason Campbell when we drafted him. Brunell has never thrown anyone under the bus to justify the team's struggles. Brunell has always shown class, even when fans did not show him similar respect at FedEx Field.
So, in sum, thanks Mark for your efforts and class. Although you're days as the Redskins starting quarterback are likely over, you've had a great career.
(Yes I am pretending that Mark will actually see this).
ENOUGH OF MB ALREADY. He played 5 or 6 good games in three years. And it was the defense that carried this team the last two years.
AlvinWalton'sNeckBrace 11-14-2006, 04:59 PM I"m glad he got us to the playoffs...I'm glad he's kept his mouth shut...I'm not sure he was the right man for the job in the first place, but I agree that he did a man's job in 2006, and he helped us beat dallas 3 times, so overall...thanks MB
skinsfan69 11-14-2006, 04:59 PM I guess you missed my previous post. Here you go in case you missed it:
Honestly, if you don't have anything positive to add to the conversation there are plenty of F you Brunell threads already going on. Let's keep this thread positive since that was the purpose of SGG posting it. Let's at least respect the intent of the thread.
Let's all have a MB farewell party. I almost have tears in my eyes. He sure has a lot of character and fight.
You got a lot of patience Mk72!
After reading the posts, I feel like I am eulogizing Brunell.
Anyway, I've been a Skins fan since 1970. I have seen a bunch skins stuff starting with Sonny, and George Allen. As you older skins fans can attest, there have been many memorable moments (good and bad) along the way. This last non-play off appearance drought has been long and painful. The success we had last season was SWEET and LONG OVERDUE. Brunell is not solely responsible for those victories. His courage, determination, and that of 52 others is. I thank them for that!
However, As long as I live I will NEVER forget the night in Dallas 2005 when lightning struck twice through the arm of MARK BRUNELL. He and Santana Moss did the unthinkable. They drove a stake through the heart of our MOST hated rivel. It righted many wrongs, gave us back some respectabliity.............. thankyou Mark
hurrykaine 11-14-2006, 05:05 PM I tell you what, our 'character' up until now, has gotten us very little in the win column. And I'm starting to be of the opinion that maybe we have too many 'classy' guys in our locker room.
hahahahaha..yes we do. Classy soft guys like Renaldo Wynn, Philip Daniels, Warrick Holdman, Christian Fauria.
Let's all have a MB farewell party. I almost have tears in my eyes. He sure has a lot of character and fight.
Is it really necessary to piss on the guy in a thread that's meant to appreciate him?
Seriously, why do you feel the need to be disrespectful? I'm not talking about disrespecting MB, I'm talking about disrespecting the people in this thread that would like to discuss the guy in a positive light.
Is is really so hard to just ignore a Brunell thread and keep your thoughts to yourself? Especially when someone has requested this?