11-11-2006, 02:59 PM
i wouldn't worry about grammar too much more than this... but if you wanted to get it correct you do capitalize proper nouns...
i guess he's saying you're not just a hypocrite but the Hypocrite. i guess.
i wouldn't worry about it though who cares about punchoowayshun?
anyways we need the skins to win by at least one!!! LOLOLOLOL!
11-11-2006, 11:18 PM
That Guy, you did it agian. You acused me of something, I never did. Read through the posts. Capitalizing hypocite was absolutly correct. If you want me to explain why, I will. I think you and Redskins Rat should stop pulling me into these irrelevant conversations.
That Guy
11-11-2006, 11:29 PM
I did it agian? Whatever. I already pointed out how pointless this is ;). If you care to continue, go ahead, but it's a waste of everyone's time.
11-12-2006, 02:10 AM
All you really need to know about Chris36
Think it is time to jump ship. What I don't understand is that Chicago wantedRandel El and Archuletta. We got both and we suck. I guess if we have a realy bad year at least our draft choices will be good, oh I forgot we ghave them all away. GO CHICAGO!!!!!!!!!!!
Here's your C&P post.
11-12-2006, 05:15 AM
All you really need to know about Chris36
Think it is time to jump ship. What I don't understand is that Chicago wantedRandel El and Archuletta. We got both and we suck. I guess if we have a realy bad year at least our draft choices will be good, oh I forgot we ghave them all away. GO CHICAGO!!!!!!!!!!!
Here's your C&P post.
That's where you got that he's a chicago fan from? Then you ride him in ANY thread for it? Wow Rat! Do you just get off on annoying people so u can "cut and paste" a response? I'm actually quite tired of all your newspaper headlines. If someone cares, they have already read them. You and ...wait should i capitalize this chris?.....That GUY... should respond to a thread that u have something to add to. Not just get my "25 posts a day" so people think i'm cool. So, so tired of reading your 1 liners. Yes, you are witty. That guy at least knows what he's talking about.
In the words of NFL Network..that's a PROPER NOWN right?....I'ts a great year to be mediocre in the NFC!!! hail skins...hail chris....bring on 4-5 :Smoker:
11-12-2006, 05:19 AM
BTW Rats are intuitively faggots!
..sry made that up..sounded good for my point!
Not that there is anything wrong with that right Rat?
Or shall i quote you?
more naked cut and pastes plz.
11-12-2006, 05:38 AM
You don't capitalize nouns in the middle of sentences unless you're speaking German.
11-12-2006, 05:39 AM
You did it again :P. You really shouldn't start grammar-nazi'ing threads unless you're sure your grammar is perfect. I was just pointing out that while you were trying to blast someone else for grammar, you didn't bother checking your own, but I really don't care. Have fun.
DAMN...You got schooled in this thread..Disappointed That Guy.
11-12-2006, 05:42 AM
I did it agian? Whatever. I already pointed out how pointless this is ;). If you care to continue, go ahead, but it's a waste of everyone's time.
THEN....it's a waste of time? You always know what you're talking about That Guy, and i respect you for that, but give someone his props, or you're just another idiot. Wait, did i spell all that right?
I'm afraid to leave!!!
I know I will be chewed up and spit out by the time i read this again..:cheeky-sm
That Guy
11-12-2006, 07:01 AM
In German, nouns in the middle of sentences are capitalized, like the way he capitalized Titan in an earlier post.
He baited me in a PM too, but grammar-mongering is stupid, cause we can sift through each other's posts forever. I was just trying to make that point, but I guess I could have been less antagonistic... either way, it IS a waste of time, and I failed to see how anyone got schooled, or why 6 more posts were needed, even though I don't really understand half of them.